Any Recommendations For Gap Insurance?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by WhiskeyBravo, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. Having had a bike stolen and subsequently losing out on the difference on what my insurer paid out compared to what I paid for the bike I'm now looking for some GAP insurance to cater for this eventuality again (hoping against hope I won't need it though).

    I've done a bit of research and know about the types of GAP insurance and found a few companies that offer it. Consensus seems to be to stay away from dealer offered GAP as its expensive so I was wondering if anybody has any recommendations?

    Thanks in advance,
  2. Haven’t a clue, welcome anyway.
  3. ALA feature on pistonheads and you can get a discount. No personal experience but perhaps worth getting a quote for comparison purposes as a start point. I did look into them and their deal was ‘ significantly’ better than the dealer version -shock/horror......
  4. On my last two bikes I’ve not been offered gap insurance by the dealer nor the finance company and in the whole excitement of having a new bike I’ve not organised it myself. I must admit I’d feel better if I had it. Must try harder on the next bike!!
  5. ALA, have my Multi and both our cars covered by hem ....
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