V4 Any V4r Owners?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by 750steve, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. Just looking to see how you guys find the rear shock? Too hard/soft or what weight of rider it’s suited for?

    Only asking as I’ve bought one for my base model, most people seem to find it hard but I think it’s quite ok though it does kinda stick out on the bike
  2. I was advised to have the suspension softened before I rode mine. Apparently set up was Rock hard to ride. So off to Kais it went.
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  3. Thanks @samieb , glad to hear that actually. That’s what they say about the Sachs shock on the base but it’s good for me, 102kg in riding gear
  4. Hi steve, I’ve not ridden mine on track yet but the first thing I noticed on the road was it was way too hard ! I won’t bother with any adjustments until later iv even tried it on track!
  5. Thank you also @Philm . When I get mine fitted I’ll set sag & go from there, I prefer firm over soft anyway & usually run a bit less sag than most

    thanks guys
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