Just wondering. Ive a 1976 T2 Devon Eurovette Campervan. Or 'The Money Pit' as Percy (his name) is usually called. I'm on the lookout for restorers dan ere in der sarf. Any advice. (i know i can find it on a vw forum but you never know....plus i have. There may be a ducati fan one too. Just checkin) My plan this week as we all know how we make and change plans on a whim. Is to track bike my 916 and use Percy with a trailer as my motorhome. I know it will be quicker for me to tow the van with the bike but even with only 50hp the bus really makes you grin when driving him. They really are good fun. So VW/Ducati splinter group. There must be others.
How far dahn sarf? My T25 DOKA was done by a guy called Kerry Coe,near Finchingfield,Essex. Absolutely top bloke,highly recommended
Essex? Thats practically Mordor. Surrey don't you know. all vw's r okay. a modern one would probably have ended up cheaper for me too. altho i drive a saab
Mines a 2003 deisel Beetle Cabrioet for daily use. When i was a boy I had three proper Beetles before I moved on to a Scirroco and then an Audi Coupe
I had a '73 1303 bug and helped my old man restore a '73 westfalia van when i was younger, i have a real soft spot for aircooled VWs. Im well out of the loop now though but im sure there must be someone local who could help.
I've never really understood what the attraction is to a overpriced beetle or campervan, just don't get it. My neighbour has a beetle and I often give him a hand repairing the electrics when he's struggling, but for the life of me they just look/run/feel crap. I put them in the same league as Harleys, rubbish. There is just no engineering passion in them. A ducati on the other hand is a work of art and an engineering beauty. Did I mention I can't stand them, set fire to the lot of them, rant over:wink:
I've had Jetta's, Polo's and currently on a Golf which is 'orrible, but I'll still buy another VW in a heartbeat. Odd one, but always fancied a T3 estate with 'the kit' and a scat pipe, (drifts into fantasy)
I know a quick and and easy way to remove Beetle engines, mainly the fourth bolt.......cut a hole in the parcel shelf...... ........and when re-assembling the heat exchangers around the exhaust pipes, clean the buggers right off....................the smoke nearly killed me when I didn't do it.....