Anybody tried "Vapping" (Or whatever its Called)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by higgy748, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Been smoking for a long long time and enjoyed it.
    Friend of my step daughters at a party six weeks ago was using an E cig so I had a blast on it

    I bought a Tornado EcoG and off I went

    I never said I was going to stop smoking because I knew I would be setting myself up to fail but my intention was to cut down Drastically.

    I didn't rate the e lites which I statrted on so splashed out on the Tornado

    I was smoking a 50gr pouch of GV in 3.5 to 4 days. The packet I have now is still 3/4 full after a week and a half

    I've had three skinny rolys today and may have another before bed but maybe not.

    I can get to the top of the stairs without panting, I've stopped snoring and I don't suffer from Heartburn unless I eat bread
  2. Gave up ciggies over thirty years ago and wheat just recently.

    I am always sceptical when a smoker claims to enjoy smoking, I think what they really mean is that they feel crap when they don't get their fix.
  3. Your right in what you say. Nicotine is a powerful drug and it is the hit that is enjoyed in the main.
    Having said that One or two fags I have in the day are enjoyable all the others were to stop the withdrawal.
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  4. What is the problem with wheat and out of curiosity how do you cut it out as you need bread to live?
  5. I've started using an electronic fag while driving, and I'm getting on okay with it when I'm forced...Trouble is I've been smoking since I was a young kid and I'm totally hooked. If I'm working with someone I can ignore the fags for hours, but when I'm on my own the lure is just too strong. I've got to force myself to give the e-fag a good go, and that probably means seeing a hypnotist. All I've got to do now is force myself to ring a hypnotist...
  6. For years after I 'gave up' I would have the odd ciggie, usually in the pub, and quite enjoyed them but then that sensation slowly evaporated.
  7. Let me know which hypnotist, when and where. I will make sure to pop in just before and convince him to add few things from us ;)
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  8. The reason I've started looking into e-fags is purely financial. I love smoking, but it's costing me more than I can afford.
  9. Just come straight out and ask, Lucasz, I'm quite receptive.

    Just remember though, I'm the postman, not the letterbox...
  10. It gives me stomach cramps, bloating, headaches and makes me feel generally unwell. You absolutely do not need bread to live. Oat products can be substituted as can Spelt bread (I know spelt is a wheat but it is an ancient variety that doesn't produce the same reaction to modern wheat varieties).
  11. Sorry I mean I need bread to live. Beans on hot, freshly baked bread is to die for (do not use British bread as general rule. Most of it is inflated, over sweetened sponge of chemicals).
  12. Gave up the fags a few years ago. Been a smoker on and off for many years. I absolutely flippin; loved it!

    I was given some prescription drugs (some kind of dopamine fix) and a weekly bollocking from my local surgery nurse, got me off them.

    Strange how your few of smoking changes once you stop, almost as if there's something in the fag convincing you they're ok.
    Good luck giving them up! :upyeah:
  13. If you are using the ones that look like a ciggy they are not very good. The trouble with the one I have its a lot of money to lay out if your heart is not in trying to cut down drastically or stop. The tornado I have is just like changing brands cos it tastes different like Marlboro taste different to Bensons.
  14. My mate died from smoking his first ciggy at the age of 22.

    He was fixing a gas leak at the time.
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  15. Did it cold turkey.
  16. I stopped about 35 years ago after a quite serious accident - came close to losing rt leg! Then suffered lung embolism and couldn't breathe - had no problem giving up.

    Why can't the government legalise cannabis? Would get my vote.
  17. Because they haven't worked out how to tax it efficiently?? ;)
  18. They seem to be pretty good at taxing everything else.

    I can't think that that is the problem.
  19. Actually, I'd legalise all drugs that way government can regulate and tax as needed - and hard drug users will be free to kill themselves.
  20. It's not a bad plan, so long as you stick them with a monster bill whenever they have to go to hospital as a result.
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