Anyone been invited to ..........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. ........... the Bilderberg Group meeting this week ?
  2. Yep.......see ya's there:upyeah:
  3. Nope, not yet........... What am I/are we missing.........?
  4. If I told you, I'd have to kill you. Or at least pay someone to do it :tongue:
    • Like Like x 1
  5. If you haven't been invited you'll never know, after all First rule of Bilderberg Group is Don't talk about Bilderberg Group.
  6. Im only going for the free Sandwiches
  7. I wouldn't, it was fish paste last year.
  8. I wouldn't want to join a club, that would have me as a member!
  9. oooh you powerfully built company director you!!

    "I don't expect you to talk mr tt, I expect you to die!"
  10. I have but mummy wont let me go :rolleyes:
  11. im meeting alex jones again this year...
  12. The welsh bird offav the One Show?

    I'd do her in a heartbeat!. As long as she didn't talk to me, mind you :wink:
  13. Lucky Alex
    • Like Like x 1
  14. shame Putin's not going, i'm sure someone could rustle him up a tasty hemlock and aconite salad.
  15. yeah man, she's hot for a fat lass...

    View attachment 16410

    looks like she's doing a porno with 3 invisible gay guys..
  16. My nine year old asked me "why is David Cameron going to Build-a-Bear?"

    made me smile.
  17. Amended for you.
  18. Pete, that is the clearest suicide note I've ever seen
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