anyone do tarmac…ing drives?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. any one on here do tarmac drives...
  2. I know some lads down the road, got some left over, do you a fine job Sorr!

    £750 for cash, fully guaranteed........

  3. even do the white bits…..look just like polos...

    any way..
  4. You know oil leaks break up tarmac Andy. :biggrin:
  5. Don't fancy some red block paving with yellow block borders and diamond shapes in the middle?

    Anyway, I thought you were a paving setts kinda guy.
  6. this is a bit out side of the property….servants entrance...
  7. What?You want someone to sort out your back passage?
  8. No the servants entrance , the one with the gates , the gates where anyone passing through is called a pleb. :tongue:
  9. I was just leaving the front door last Tuesday morning and was heading towards the gate when an Irish bloke with "Motorway Maintenance" written on his lorry, pulled up and asked if I wanted the driveway re-tarmaced.

    I asked him how much and he told me he would do it for £600 if he could do it there and then. I said that I would think about it, and he dropped the price to £350.

    Now I know the tarmac alone would cost that much so obviously he was going to do a crap job or bump the price up by about a grand once he had finished.

    But even though I knew I shouldn't have, I told him he could do it.

    After all it's not my house - I was just delivering the newspapers
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