I'm thinking seriously about fitting one to my 900SS in order to remove the danger of hi-comp pre-ignition (without resorting to flywheel surgery). I have backed the timing off 3 degrees, which should do the trick, but feel that the very low rev feel is now even nastier than it was as stock. So would I be over optimistic to expect that the 10 step advance of the ignitech will improve the overall smothness of the power? Any advice, opinions or tips very much appreciated. All the best Grunt
Fitted Ignitech, after having run rebuilt motor (JE's, light flywheel, etc) with standard ignition (although backed off). Great improvement, especially low down, as you can 'engineer' out the quite savage step in the ignition curve (well, curve is hardly the right word - it goes from 6 to 32 deg advance over 900 rpm), which seems to me to be the main problem. Well worth it.
Yes i fitted one and it's a great bit of kit for the money! You also get shift light option, change rev limit and you have a rev counter output. all adjustable. Also you can run any type of ducati coil (i ran 996 coils on my DD race bike) And most important you can run a single pickup so makes way for easy engine swaps like fitting a 900ssie engine in a carby duke. If you look at the software programme you will see in the bike selection menu.. Ducati inj 4-82. This was done by a guy on ducati ms who fitted fcr's on a hot 900ssie engine with great results over the 1.5 ecu and TB's. Also he did a wiring diagram but i cant find it. Found it
Fantastic ... thanks chaps. I'll put my order in just as soon as the dozy Czechs reply to my initial e-mail (oi Geoff, you anywhere near them?). btw .... what's the general consensus as to the optimum full advance with hi-comps & standard cams and cam timing? And at what revs should it be attained? Thanks again. Grunt