Anyone Know About Sound Proofing Cars?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Sam1199, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. I’ve got a problem with engine and exhaust noise, not road noise.

    Anyone recommend products. How many different layers. Where is best for my problem?

    The firewall is just too difficult to get at. I’m thinking of doing the bonnet, front footwells and boot.

    Advice gratefully accepted.
  2. What car is it mate?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. I've used that on a kit car I built.
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  4. I’ve got a load of dodomat, I put the tiniest section in my transporter doors when I fitted big speakers and honestly it’s magic! From experience, liberally applying that over the exhaust/prop tunnel and on the inside metal skin of the wheel arches would make a MASSIVE difference.

    I am going to coat the floor of my mini in the stuff also as they are traditionally pretty loud and rattly
  5. A cheap option is self adhesive roof flashing tape, used that on the inside of the door skins whist upgrading the door speakers in an old MR2 of mine, certainly could tell the difference when closing the doors.
  6. I’ve used Dodomat too. Very impressed. Used to it stop the drumming and road noise in my van. Used dynomat over the years on audio installs. Both good. The Dodomat is probably easier to use. You don’t need to line the whole panel, just a few sheets in the areas you want to deaden. It’s about adding mass to the panels, which in turn kills the noise.
  7. Sound Exploder stereo upgrade?

    These are Ohlins Foggy replica...

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  8. Toyota Yaris Cross hybrid. Got it just for running around. On the flat and downhill it’s silent but going up steep hills it’s entirely different, 3 cylinder motor kicks in and it’s very noisy.

    I want to deaden the engine and exhaust noise, the road noise is acceptable so I don’t feel the need to do the doors.

    Dodomat, Dynamat or the like seem good, question is 2mm or 4mm? Then I’m thinking of an open cell layer of foam insulation over that where I can.
  9. If it’s got bitumen in it, it’s bad idea, fumes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. 615Pcy8PUHL._SL1000_.jpg
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  11. You shouldn't laugh...I've had vehicles so crap that I have used my motorcycle earplugs while going down the motorway....
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  12. Turn that stereo up :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I’m surprised no one’s mentioning the wonderful contribution expanding foam has to offer.
  14. foam.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 3
  15. The stuff I used was from Wickes, it was Aluminium
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