You can download a PDF file of all torque settings, a PDF version of the Workshop Manual (draft) or access the HTML final version of the Manual here ;-)
I can't find any downloads for the workshop manual on your link AndyW. I have the draft version pdf only but it is too big to email (170Mb) so anyone wanting a free copy will need to PM me to arrange disc mailing. PS - I also have the 1098 superbike workshop manual.
Although the draft version is likely to have more 'errors' and omissions than the final version (MY2010....not heard of an update yet) it's way better for finding stuff as most PDF readers have great search facilities and there's nothing built into the Ducati html final/later workshop manual! i.e. very useful to have both versions ;-) Here you go: Motorcycle Info Pages - MTS1200 Technical > MTS1200 Workshop Manual