These's a 600 on Ebay with clip ons that attach above the top yoke. Does anyone know what they are?
look a bit similar to the injection model clip on's but they are not carby clip on's attach below the top yoke i believe fitting above would require the forks to be further through to allow fitment wouldnt that upset the handling slightly and cause the front to be too low
out of interest why the question ?? looking to find that particular item or to mod something along those lines !!
probably trying to make position more comfortable but done in the wrong way they were no doubt a lot cheaper than the correct riser handle bars but would have a negative effect handling on the way fitted
IMO, I would briefly check the forks as fitted, to ascertain whether they are original spec, AND - Then consider that mod would have altered the steering geometry - I.E. decreased both the rake and the trail fairly dramatically, so as to upset the handling, I MEAN: - akin to the wobble you might feel under hard braking. This is especially do when coming out of corners, putting on the power, and will be more noticeable at high speed. Having said that adjustment to rear ride height may have been made to compensate. So, both should be checked straight away. No big deal to do, and put back toward original set up. Then make the usual adjustments for your weight. EDIT: bah! I see its just a bike you're viewing on ebay. Well, in case you've aquired it....