Apprentice Electrician Position - Help To Find A Vacancy Please

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by THJ, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. This is a bit of a long shot... my 17 year old son has just been told 3 months into his electrician apprenticeship, that the company he has been working for are relocating - and hence his apprenticeship has been terminated :(
    He's been getting up at 5am every morning taking public transport buses for an hour and a half just to get to the work placement before putting in a days graft, then taking an hour and a half bus journey home! He has completed the 1st year at college and is still doing the 2nd year one day per week every Wednesday.

    Finding an electrician apprenticeship was hard work in the 1st place, he was out canvassing local companies every day, posting on electrician forums one thread with 800+views but not a single offer. Can anyone help him out?


    I have just completed 3 months real experience as an apprentice electrician, but the company that took me on are relocating (I can provide good references from them). I am looking for an apprentice electrician position anywhere near High Wycombe or East London. I completed Electrical installation level 2 at Aylesbury College last year and I am completing Electrical installation level 3 currently every Wednesday.

    I have outstanding GCSE results (2A*, 7B, C, D), along with my 3 months apprentice electrician experience, I also have work experience in office environments and real experience in the retail and customer service sector giving me varied skills and the ability to work with different types of people. I am a conscientious person who works hard and pays attention to detail. I have good communication skills and enjoy interacting and helping people. I'm flexible, quick to pick up new skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm. I would be flexible in the hours required to work.

    I have excellent references and would be delighted to discuss any possible vacancy or send my CV with a covering letter to anyone that may have a position or anyone willing to keep my CV and covering letter on file for future possibilities.

    Please send my dad a message on here or contact me direct by email on [email protected] if you think you can help me.

    I can take up a position anywhere accessible by public transport within an hour or so distance of High Wycombe (Buckinghamshire) or anywhere accessible by public transport within an hours distance of South Woodford (East London/Essex.)

    Thank you for taking time to read this post.

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  2. I really wish i could help out! I'm in the building game and have been a foreman on many sites and projects since being in England (12 years now) and it has always been truly shocking the sheer lack of young guys that have the attitude of this one. I wish Bobby all the best and will ask around.. :upyeah:
  3. I can't help with introductions, but I would advise that he drops the traveling times.
    Working in London could take way over an hour to get from one side to the other, and stipulating an hours traveling time could scupper any potential employment opportunities.
    My official apprenticeship title was that of a Journeyman Electrician, which meant that you were expected to travel from job to job, and if I remember correctly the first hour each way wasn't paid for but anything over that would be.
    Just had a thought, has he tried the JIB? they may know of or be able to put him in touch with a potential employer?
  4. Good luck Bobby.
  5. Thanks Chizel, he is a good lad... I wanted him to stay on at school, do A levels and go to uni, but he has heart set on being an electrician.

    Duck, I think he will travel any distance, he currently lives in High Wycombe and he was traveling the hour & half by bus to meet his ex employer in Chesham. They then drove all over the place ending up in as far afield as Southend, Brighton, all over London as well as the local jobs in Buckinghamshire. He's tried the official government apprenticeship & other websites (BEST/ JTL etc...) but they seem to concentrate on the based in a warehouse soldering circuit board type roles.
  6. #6 CRYSTALJOHN, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
  7. That's a bugger but his attitude seems bang on so I'm sure he'll prosper. When I did my apprenticeship in the 80's we were controlled by the EITB (engineering industrial training board). Companies could'nt just bin you. Even if they went under, the EITB would re slot you with another company until your time was served (4 years). Pretty useless info I suppose but all the very best in your endeavours...
    And its good he's continuing with college day release. Keep that going.
  8. Your lad has the right attitude for a youngster,he will go far,best of luck to him :upyeah:
  9. He has a great attitude and really wants to get a trade, it's a real shame as many fall back on vocational skills as a second choice to Uni if they can't get the grades or the bank of dad can't stretch to the level of financial help needed.

    As has already been said, he should get some help from the college, at 17 he is still fully funded so the college will be keen to keep him on their books, they might be able to find an employer to help him get his work based training whilst they provide the generic NVQ qualification, although it is unlikely he would get paid if he went down this route.

    He could also ask local electrical companies if they would help him get his work based skills, then approach the college.

    If his college don't seem keen to help, talk to others that offer the same course.

    I work for a truck manufacturer and we often help apprentices in this position, the college that we use will often approach us to help with those that find themselves out of work before the end of the course, these youngsters are always keen as they don't get paid by us for their time (although the college will pay them apprentice minimum wage (£2 something p/h)

    What often happens though is that they impress us so much that we won't let them go once we have them and they become part of the team.

    I really hope that it works out for him as it's such a horrible situation to be in especially for someone so young.
  10. Thanks Daffy, college are no help at all they have not provided a single student with a electrician apprenticeship - lecturer told my son it's because most electricians are self employed / very small companies so the college have no credible links! He's going to do the local rounds again ringing round & dropping cv off etc as well as doing the web based electrician forums ... I'm gutted for him - the company that had employed him had taken him out for meals & beers with the team and he fitted in well with them.

    I understand the bosses situation and it sounds like company just no longer had enough work, but after 3 months of perfect attitude and hard work from my son, to then be told it's all over the morning he turned up for work is a real kick in the bollocks for someone so young.
  11. As a self employed plumber(sole trader) I get quite a few enquiries from school leavers for apprenticeships. My advice if they can't find a start with a company is to get a job in a suppliers. I've seen quite a few lads on the counter get a jobs with a local firm as they get to know the tradesmen. They are also learning the various materials that go into the job.
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  12. Just 1 more thought, what about big business around him, think about docks, port authorities, terminals, things like refineries or fuel terminals or any large military/government establishments around. It might be worth approaching these to see if they employ their own trades or if they subcontract (find out who and talk to them)
  13. Thanks for info, ill get him to go down to the suppliers see if they can offer anything until something turns up.
  14. Anything going with British Gas / EON etc
    I'm aware BG have apprenticeships
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