
Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Nelson, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. very and some good tech too in the right places. at that price id be tempted to look at the kushitani too
  2. Have a pair of their top spec gloves. Good to deal with as asked for 2 pairs to be sent so I could get the right size. Sent one pair back and kept the other. They scored very highly in the Ride mag glove test; which is why I bought a pair.
  3. The thin gold line would have to go, looks like a pack of B&H.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Arc-on got a good write up in the second part of the article on suit manufacture posted about a month ago. Andy
  5. me too and i did the same. jonny is a good lad
  6. I have a pair of the apex gloves and love them.
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