Are Petrol Heads Responsible For A Decline In Crime?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. has there been a decline in crime?
  2. I see what you did there ;)

  3. It's a selfie, can't beat a bit of early morning exercise.
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  4. theirs one kicking about of me holding the planet.
  5. I don't know if I believe any of it. Given how stats are largely massaged in order to prove or disprove anything these days - especially if it is to get continued funding or stay in power. Maybe less crimes are being solved and that means less people end up in prison, maybe they now deal with violent crimes in different ways - after all a more lenient community service order or ASBO would be a different stat than a custodial sentence and both are "new" methods to deal with it instead of incarceration.
    I personally think you have the deposition for crime within you or you don't and it's personal circumstance which leads you to follow that path and ignore all the morals you have learnt (or at least put them at a lower priority), which is why I think that rehabilitation can only work IF the convicted doesn't return to the same environment or the strength to not get involved in it again - to break the ties or change their habits.
  6. i think the cops have only manipulated the figures anyway....
  7. I think cops are manipulative.
  8. ahh but there has been a rise in theft of lead off roofs round here

    maybe because they couldnt get there fix of lead from fuel :D
  9. I believe it. Just like I believe the unemployment figures lol.

    If they included 16 - 18 yr old in the figures like they used to unemployment would be 4.5 million.

    Its just one big laugh
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