Might sound an odd question but sitting on my sofa and looking out of the window, I have come to the conclusion a neighbour who runs a one man carpentry and building maintenance business, has had a skip put on his residential premises driveway, which he is filling with waste he brings back whichever job he is on. Yes it is an eyesore but I have no idea what the waste is he is filling the skip with. Can you do that in a long established residential development where there are no commercial premises ? Andy
I can’t advise you about what your local authority ruling might be but it all sounds out of order with this man’s neighbours. I would have a word with him and if he continues with the skip report him to your local authority.
As a contractor you have to have a licence to carry waste and fill in the appropriate paperwork for each load. I doubt he would have a licence so he could be in trouble with the environment agency if anyone reported him.
Looking through the link @Ducbird posted, it looks like he is following most of the guidelines for Newark and Sherwood. I doubt there are any significant differences in the guidelines where I am. I say ‘most of the guidelines’ as there is one glaring omission on his part, the skip on his drive is not (and in my memory, never has been) covered. I feel a little chat is going to have to be had. Andy
Monitor his movements with photographs & dates because he clearly doesn't have any respect for his neighours vistas etc, then pass this onto your local toothless council.GL
There are govt guidlines, etc about running a business from home. Amongst other things is how might the business affect others - i.e. neighbours. https://www.gov.uk/run-business-from-home
He shouldn’t, the skip should be on his business premises or the premises where he is working. Are you objecting to his using his home to store the skip, the positioning of the skip or the fact the skip has no cover. If you don’t know him well enough that he’s not really a neighbour as such more someone who lives in the same street then I’d approach him directly as you’ve nothing to lose. If he is a friendly neighbour the same applies but in a more measured way as you don’t really want any animosity between you and him. I’m sure you’ve been in similar situations before and have handled it well, good luck. If it goes South quickly then your only option will be Environmental services
Fast growing bamboo is a great screen that blocks out ugly skips from view. Mostly I think life is too short to worry about the contents of someone else's skip unless it stinks really bad or has a dust storm emanating everytime the winds blows. Still we are all different and I hope you find a solution that works for you.
Yep. I’ve been reading this thinking that the guy might be bending a rule or two here and there, not necessarily because he’s a natural born piss taker but perhaps because eg: he’s trying to get back on his feet after a difficult lockdown. I’m not a big fan of snooping and snitching, so I’m firmly in the “live and let live” camp unless the skip is causing some sort of problem.