British soldiers banned from training for snowy conditions at Norwegian base because health and s... @MailOnline Not sure if the link will work, but OMG what have we become! Last week it was SAS selection being made easier, I see high visibility vests becoming standard issue. We have gone Health and Safety Mad. (Yes I know it's in the mail, but no smoke without fire)
Hi viz vests for the army? Nothing new...........the redcoats took a long time to realise they could be seen easliy......... (Not the ones at Butlins)
Trouble is, the Army may find that the Taliban etc. don't care too much about health and safety rules.
My brother was scheduled to be H&S officer at Kandahar. I was shocked when he told me that there were more personnel injured inside the camp than out side. Mind you, I'd loved to have seen his risk assessment of being outside of the wire on foot patrol.
For god sake, I hope world war 3 never breaks out because we'll be defeated by the time all the risk assessments have been done and all the paperwork has been sorted. Then I would image it would be considered to dangerous to get involved anyway so we may aswell just get the white flag out!.
Yes, we are too soft. We seem to be allowing people on the forums to post all kinds of Daily Mail bullshit, without so much as giving them a wedgie or a chinese burn for their foolishness. What have we become?
You do wear a high viz cover on SAS selection. And a few other safety items. It's not about being soft, it's about not being stupid. If your soldiers go down because you failed to let them stay warm have you weeded out the weak? Or have you cost someone a son or daughter through poor planning and cost the army an expensive asset that will take months or years to train a replacement for?
Not always......sometimes you might be lucky to get an old RAF coat and odd ill fitting boots...........
I do moisturise my face after a shower , and I can still growl at the missus so I don't think I'm the original Mr soft.
They killed themselves through poor admin. Water is available through out. If the weather is too bad they will take them off the hills.
But they were allowed onto the Hills without water. They failed to keep them watered, nothing to do with killing themselves. was this weeding out the weak?
The guys that unfortunately died failed to hydrate themselves. Everyone carries water on the hills, there is water available at every checkpoint and there are plenty of streams etc. at the end of the day, the way to manage heat injuries, as all soldiers are taught, is to stop working and seek shade. They made a cascade of errors which led to their untimely deaths.