Trouble is, my hair, what I've got of it, is white - and no, I don't have any of that stuff we used to whiten our school plimsoles thankyou :biggrin: Andy
Seriously though don't bother .... I like blokes with long hair BUT if they have not so be it. Shave it off it looks fine . It's when people try to hide it that it looks daft. I do feel sorry for blokes it must be hard . I have stupid hair BUT it's a big part of who I am ( the girl with the silly tufty pink hair). But as women go ... We are not bothered. I for one would rather I was treated nicely and loved then what hair do someone was sporting. Embrace it .. Don't wear stupid wigs and stuff !!!
Bootsam I won't say a word but your next order of hair product is ready for dispatch . We have a great BOGOF on the spray mount to adhere it with
I have more hair than all my mates combined. And yes, I do have mates. :smile: Plus it grows quickly and its as thick as my head. Guess its just the fantastic Scottish genes. No its not ginger either.
hahaha up yours baldy :tongue: Its not even grey yet either. A nice rich brown. Plus its straight. No curls. Bout the only fucking thing i got going for me though.
As I get older, I find my hair is growing faster and thicker than ever before Only trouble is it's on my back...