Arise, Sir Baldrick...........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. ..................but Blackadder gets just a CBE............

    There's proof positive the Honours system is up the creek...........

  2. Well he does dig up old relics
  3. No, he just talks about holes in the ground...........
  4. Baldrick did say he had a cunning plan :biggrin:
  5. lets face it , with the successes of mr bean, rowan atkinson is doing OK, he can afford to bin a mclaren F1 after all!!

    really like the fact that tony robinson get the proper nod for his other work
  6. As someone here just said, lets hope Lord Flasheart bursts in on the ceremony lol
  7. I thought tony robins was a massive anti royal, if so slightly ironic to be presented with an award from someone you hate?
  8. We all have to live in the world as it actually is. Holding the view that the head of state ought better to be elected rather than hereditary is a perfectly reasonable position, but the fact is at present our head of state is hereditary and everyone (including Tony Robinson) has to live with that reality. No doubt he would prefer a Labour government, but the fact is we haven't got one at present and he has to live with that too. I do not see anything inconsistent, or ironic, in Tony Robinson being a realist.
  9. I'm share your view Pete..........

    AL (KCMG)
  10. If he is anti the whole establishment etc on this, its beyond hypocrisy he should accept.
  11. Hypocrisy? Could you explain just where the hypocrisy arises in your view, please? I don't see any hypocrisy whatever.
  12. pete1950 MBE, CBT, MA

    you have to be kidding surely..
    the hypocrisy is clear to see if he 'is' anti then goes against his values to accept it.

    if he was anti - then he would surely do what others have done prior and reject the award on principal of his objections of the establishment what issues it
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  13. If Tony Robinson had condemned other people for accepting honours but then accepted one himself, that would be hypocrisy. But that is not the situation here.

    As I understand it he is in favour of an elected head of state for the UK, but (as far as I know) has never criticised anyone for accepting an honour, or an appointment, or anything else, from the head of state we have actually got, i.e. HM The Queen. So for him to accept an honour himself is not at all inconsistent, nor ironic, nor hypocritical. You do know what "hypocrisy" means, right?
  14. Yep, it means belong to the Labour Party but get rich while doing so.......(apparently)....and then get your honours and accept them.
  15. So you really don't have any idea what it means then.
  16. Oh, here we go again with the patronising intellectual snobbery..............

    PS. Please punctuate your responses correctly.
  17. I have no idea what his views are. Simply if he is against everything it stands for, to accept one and compromise his principles is hypocrisy. Tadar! :upyeah:
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  18. Rather peope like Robbins than some sportman who won one title and gets knighted. Or a team that win a game and get gongs.
  19. Who's Robbins?
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