Ashya - Media Coverage

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Did you notice how our media did not question the official manhunt line when the parents had "taken" their son from hospital and bought into the "only hours to live as the batteries run out"/negligent parents/Jehovah Witness line? It was like "Enemy of the State"

    I could not believe the coverage on the Radio/TV/Website last week when it was the leading news time and again. Without question or challenge to the Hospital and Police line - not good work by the press!

    It would have taken 20 minutes of research to find out the real issues for parents of children with cancer under the NHS. Even today when the Police/CPS could have reviewed the situation in the light of "new" information and withdrawn the European Arrest Warrant, they were instead defending their position. Unforgivable in my book.

    BBC News - Ashya King: Missing boy's 'life is in danger'
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  2. What do you seriously expect from the police in this country?
    Fairness, justice or common sense?
    No possibility of that.
  3. Typical large government/state interference with the "we know best" attitude when in reality many of us wouldnt trust them to organise a bbq .
  4. Agreed but what has happened to our robust, challenging press?

    Do we need to start following Al Jazeera/Russia Today, etc?

    I am actually a fan of C4 news.....
  5. Apparently the young lad became a ward of the court on Friday, so they (the state) did have an amount of responsibility for his care. Don't get me wrong, I'd want my child to have the best treatment too regardless of cost, but the media aren't known for providing all the facts in an unbiased manner. Why would this story be any different? They all just want to sell advertising space at the end of the day.
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  6. Its a disgrace, and tbh makes me embarrassed to be from Hants. Hope the head of hants police and the head of soton general both get the boot

    The plod are making laws ip as they go now, euro wide search?! Interpol?! Oh and even tho the kid is in a bad way, lets lock the parents ip, that will help
  7. Nobody seems to be taking the needs of the child into consideration.
  8. The press have such a good record of reporting medical stories in a fair and unbiased way, I'd really want them to be pushing the agenda. Look how responsible they were over MMR for starters, the Daily Mail has a new Cancer Cure or Cause on a weekly basis Kill or cure?
  9. Except the parents possibly...
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  10. Of course. You know what I meant.
  11. considering where there allegiances lay are you surprised. but we will save that for another thread.;)
    the hospital made a complaint, the police followed it up the press sensationalized it. as usual the public lapped it up.
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  12. Blown just a little out of proportion, but that's the UK press for you. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story/witch hunt
  13. As was discussed today; many men who have been identified as rapists, abusers, passing young girls around......are free with the Police turning a blind eye in Rotherham over the years. Then these loving parents are locked up for a couple of nights away from their dying son. We'll soon be moving into the "lessons have been learnt" stage and round we all go again.....

    Very glad the family is together again and wish them well in their efforts.
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  14. Usual media/public sector/we know best idiocy...the Beeb are the worst,but what do you expect from what is,fundamentally,just another bloated,inefficient,taxpayer funded "organisation"?
    I have to deal with these over-educated clipboard carriers on a weekly basis,from top to bottom they spout the same middle-class view of socialism,i.e,"Nanny knows best,so just toddle off and work yourself to death while we decide what's best for you and your kids"...
    Never let the truth get in the way of a good story....
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  15. Right now he is still a ward of the court so the family cannot determine his future treatment until they get that resolved. Wouldn't you think some Portsmouth City Council pen pusher would have realised that needed sorting like yesterday. I don't think I'd be sleeping at night but then I suppose we don't all have feelings.....

    The Doctor sounds a gem: Speaking about the family's relationship with doctors in Southampton, Mr King said: "They threatened me previously. When I asked about his cancer... they said if I ask anymore questions the right for me to make a decision will be taken away from me because they get immediate courts paper to say that they have right over my child.

    Lightning you are so right about the BBC (though the R5 team are good). The TV news is just so dumbed down and has it's own slanted editorial agenda. PC in the extreme and scared of their shadows.
  16. Is he? The Dr's have been quoted as saying they did not threaten the family with applying for a ward. If they did do, it was after they had removed their son not before

    I still fail to see on what grounds these people have been pursued, arrested, slung in jail and separated from their very ill lad.

    Its a disgrace and I almost don't mind my tax paying for the NHS and Hants constabulary fuck up in compensating these people.
  17. Btw I suspect there is more to it than is being reported but stand by 'we' have no right to dictate to 'them' whats best, only point it out in the reported circumstances
  18. Agreed Bradders, I think this has some way to go yet!
  19. As a parent I was am very upset by the state attitude, and remember ,the FIRST point the media tried to raise was their religious beliefs were called into question. A little old fashioned use of reporting techniques should have quickly discovered the parents idea of getting treatment elsewhere as a matter of urgency,and funding it themselves too,but no,we immediately wanted to be fed the line of religious zealots causing a problem. Those involved should hang their heads in shame.
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  20. I doubt that the Police and CPS knew anything about this child and the parents till they took him from the Hospital. They could then only act on what the Hospital told them. I think the only people that have questions to answer are the Hospital.Yet they are the ones hiding in the background letting the Police and CPS take all the Flak.
    I think its worthy of note that once the parents are found another hospital checks the child that the Police and CPS back off and leave the parents to get on with it
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