Noticed my front tyre has gone triangular. This is pretty normal I know but what worries me is that it's not symmetrical. The apex of the triangle is well over to the left - anybody else had this? Also, I'd love to hear why front tyres do this but rear tyres go square. You'd think most wear would be from braking forces in the same way that most wear on the rear is from acceleration/drive.
Roundabout surfer! Assuming the apex is to the left as you face the front of the bike, I believe that a predilection for right-handers is your answer - maybe roundabouts! Is the tyre dual-compound? Actually, that hardly matters. In my madcap days, before the advent of dual compounds, I used to wear out the sides of the front before the middle - well before it, in the summer. The wear from cornering was far greater than that from braking - after all, you spend more time cornering than you do braking (or you should ) As for the rear, I think that, as you spend more time on or off the gas than you do cornering, the greater wear is logically on the middle of the rear than the sides (unless you constantly back it into bends ). Comparing front and rear tyres when cornering, the weight of the bike is pushing into the side tread of the front tyre whereas the back tyre is merely tracking your progress, and under far less stress.
Ditto. I had the same problem on my MTS's original Scorps. Tyre dealer just laughed as he said: "Favourite roundabout?" Yes actually, the big one at the foot of Wandsworth Bridge. That one's always worth a few circuits! I fitted PR4s. Problem doesn't seem so bad now!
My front is just the same. Well, except the high strip is dead centre rather than to one side. But the right hand side is always worn slightly more than the left. I've always assumed this is because we ride on the left in this country and the road camber loads the right hand side of the tyre. If the wear on either side is uneven or stepped the suspension could be set incorrectly or your front brakes may be braking harder on one disc than the other.