Atlantic Crossing

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ivor, Mar 19, 2022.

  1. Following a partial thread hijack earlier, said I'd start something:
    I'm setting out to row across the Atlantic Ocean in December this year, expect crossing to take around 40 days. Plan is to do it as a pair but can row the boat solo if required. Draft website:
    #1 Ivor, Mar 19, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2022
    • Like Like x 13
  2. December eh

    Out of curiosity does the RNLI patrol mid Atlantic?
  3. Not as far as I'm aware,
    The crossing 'season' is roughly December to march
  4. Brilliant Ivor. Good on you.
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  5. Fuck that.

    Massive respect but.

    Fuck that.

    And some more respect.
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    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. Thats brilliant. Best of luck amigo!

    I've sailed it solo, but rowing across the pond is way out of my league. Its a simple enough route though, sail south 'til the butter melts, then turn right -or West- and you'll arrive in paradise.

    Can I ask why you aren't waiting until mid February when the weather and temperatures are kinder?
  7. Take a bow!! literally!

    Massive respect but as stated earlier… Not for me.

    Will you be able to keep us ultimate on the adventure?
  8. I'll be using a weather router and will set off when the forecast is as good as it can be, so may be January
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  9. Yep, will have an update mechanism, either via a tracker or blog/website update, will take my Lego V4 and take pics along the way
  10. Sailing it solo takes some balls... My boat self rights, and I'll have a spare rudder, what yacht did you sail over?
  11. Hi,not sure if this is right,are you supporting a charity with your endeavour?
  12. Rnli, link on the web page, see first post
  13. A 47ft IOR ex Admirals Cup, that still had all the rig but had been refitted with bed/galley/head etc. It took me all around the world. Wonderful days...
    • Like Like x 4
  14. Wow!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Good point. Do ask Ducati for sponsorship/donation.
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  16. That's a great point!
  17. Brilliant! And massive respect :upyeah:

    If you’re going to be the oldest pair to row across the Atlantic, how old will your (joint) age be? (I didn’t spot it on the website.) Google suggests you’ve got to have a combined age of at least 125 to break the record.

    Out of curiosity, what rowing and seafaring background do you both have? I’m curious what experience and fitness is needed – not that I’ll be joining you!!
  18. We're over 124, I think a pair just broke the record last month
    I have no rowing experience,my partner does coastal rowing and is quite experienced
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  19. You must be mad ;)

    Good luck though :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. No rowing experience?! You’re bloody madder than I thought!

    Good luck, we’ll all be behind you. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
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