Attention smart people! Grammar question.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. I need some advice as to where to put a comma.

    I'm writing a sentence which is split in to 2 parts with a comma but also includes a reference in brackets.

    Does the comma come before or after the reference?

    Here is the example and both methods.

    For example, the value does not account for regional variations inwealth distribution (REF), nor does it include the value oftransactions that are not reported to the government. (REF)


    For example, the value does not account for regional variations inwealth distribution, (REF) nor does it include the value oftransactions that are not reported to the government. (REF)

    The second reference comes after the full stop, that's fine. But what about the first? I'm thinking it comes after the reference but I'm not sure.
  2. Jst use txt spk.itz the future. lol
  3. i am deffo the wrong person to answer this.
  4. Thank you both for your helpful input ;)
  5. after the brackets. The bracketed parrt belongs with the previous paet of the sentance.
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  6. Example 1.
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  7. In the first example the (Ref) is part of the substructure of the first part of the sentence so should come before the comma,
    Personally I'd lose the comma after for example as well.
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  8. Yep, agreed.
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  9. The ad at the bottom of my page offers to help me use Obama's Refi Program to save money on my mortgage repayments. Apparently I will be shocked how much I can save.
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  10. number one.

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  11. Don't know but "number Two " makes me giggle.
  12. I wood rite it like dis

    For example, the value does not account for regional variations inwealth distribution (REF); nor does it include the value of transactions that are not reported to the government. (REF)
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  13. I love a semi colon; I always thought they were used to add a second clause to a sentence.
  14. Thats exactly what it is. Another sentence. Why yoo no speaka de engleesh eh?
  15. دوۍ ژبې خبری کولی سم but English is a very nuanced language
  16. It is also your mother tongue and as such you should have a handle on the nuances by now.
  17. what does that say? would it be a hassle to brake it down.
  18. You need an oscopy to examine a colon..........
  19. I think it says - " I ride a yamaha and I like to lick my dogs balls"
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