Attn all tinnitus sufferers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Speed_Triple, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. There must be loads of you out there!

    I suffer from this annoying condition because I rode without earplugs for too long and probably (still) drink too much! But I've found something that gives long periods of respite. It's free, simple to do and must be worth a try.

    It's taken from a book called Secrets of Longevity by Doctor Maoshing Ni. It works for me and I hope it works for you.

    1. Cup your hands tightly over your ears sealing them closed with both hands (middle fingers of both hands pointing at each other behind head).
    2. Tap left and right sides of back of head at same time like drumming a drum while keeping hands cupped tightly over ears.
    3. Do this for 500 times several times per day. (takes about 5-10 minutes each session)
    4. Then find the little sore spot (acupressure point behind each ear and press it 9 times)

    Good luck!
  2. oh no! I pressed it 10 times...aaaraghh.....slump....
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  3. I don't know if that is written out of desperation but here is a cure for Tinnitus and I hope it works for you.
    Last thing at night just as you are prepared to sleep with the howling whistles in each ear --- pack your ears with cotton wool! The theory behind this is that ears, the same as any other organ, require rest but are the only ones that cannot. Blocking your ears eliminate high frequency sounds that are prevalent within the household and otherwise keep you awake - allowing the ear to rest and repair. Use cotton wool because it still allows communication and is the most comfortable to use over an 8-10 hour duration. After 2-3 months you will notice the difference with things like having the TV / Hifi used at a lower volume and no ringing ears in the morning.
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  4. Moved to Lounge :smile:
  5. pardon?
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