Hope they are proud of themselves now the poor conned nurse has killed herself http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20645838
It's terrible ... Was a stupid prank but I don't think they thought they would get through. When they did they should of put the phone down. Not a biggie on Royals but nether the less ringing up playing a prank directed at a pregnant woman who's ill is low. However the hospital deserve a slap as shows security was lapse. I feel sorry for the poor nurse terrible .. She obviously had deeper issues and was scared about her future.
You can hardly blame a couple of pranksters for her topping herself, I for one think it was funny, who'd have thought they would even get near to getting through, I mean it didn't even sound like them, did it. And if the British media get on their high horse it would be rather hypocritical wouldn't it ?
i wasn't surprised they got through but i am surprised anything was discussed. In my world we set up a password that has to be given to get any update on a patient.
if there had been an 'unlike' facility you would have got my vote for this one Dave - other issues aside, somebody died here.
Pranking is always at someone else's expense it may make the majority laugh but there is always someone who gets hurt.
It's a terrible situation and I feel for the family. However, we can not solely blame the aussie presenters as the media outlets played a huge part in how the story was sensationalised. From what I understand, the nurse had not been suspended or reprimanded over the situation but clearly all the media attention pushed her over the edge. We've all been victims of pranks. I know it's a slightly different situation as regards a member of the royal families' privacy but the media jumped on it and created huge headlines rather than making it a small story or even it slightly tongue in cheek. This will loom over Kate's pregnancy and the media should be made accountable too.
In all honesty you cant blame the presenters, Ross & Brand were 100x worse and Andrew Sachs never topped himself. The people at fault in my opinion are security for not briefing personnel about potential situations. Even if briefed correctly then the deceased was under an enormous amount of pressure, which should have been recognised and alleviated by her family, managers, security and last but not last the royals. Sad, sad sate of affairs when a wife and mother of 2 children see this as her only recourse.
It's very very sad, but if you can't have a joke without someone committing suicide... I suppose if you're a droll radio presenter it's part of your job to get up to this sort of stuff. Entertaining people is what you're paid to do. It hardly seems fair to lambast them, whereas the Ross/Brand thing was in really bad taste and fairly offensive. Just one of those really sad things, I guess.
I would not last 5 seconds in Entertainment. The second I realised that I was talking to a nurse, not a PR person, and that I was actually getting private medical info, I would have halted the prank. At the very least, I wouldn't have broadcast anything about it out of respect for all concerned (not least of all, my own self-respect). The broadcasters were willingly participating in a breach of the Data Protection Act - I thought that promoting and abetting a criminal act was a criminal offence? Nope, I wouldn't last 5 seconds in that job. The suicide is horrific and is out of proportion to the nature of what happened, yes. But you'd have to be a moron (or an entertainer) not to realise the damage you were potentially doing by instigating this prank. There was a poorly mother-to-be and a staff of nurses trying to do their job - you weren't trying to find some "dirt" on the latest nobody "celebrity" from some crap unreality show. No, I am not a royalist - I just happened to have had people I care about who have been in hospital and who have been looked after by decent, caring hospital staff. This makes my blood boil but mostly, I am sorry that two vulnerable women have been harmed by this, one fatally so.
Its a terrible thing that has happened. I was listeneing to the news this morning and they had a comment from tthe Samaritans. Basically what they said was that it was unusual for someone to commit susicide over one thing saying that it was probably the "last straw" that caused her to take her own life. It was a stupid prank but a lot of people are to blame for it getting so far and not the nursing staff on the front line
Yeah good luck with that one fj. The two presenters will be fairly guilt ridden over this which is about as bad a punishment as an court could arrange. It is is a tragedy, but not wanting to sound hollow and cold but these things happen, but that doesn't make it right. My thoughts go out to the nurses family and friends. I hope mrs Saldana finds herself in a much better place. Rip
interesting to read the newspaper headlines that are bleating on about "kates shock" and "kates distress" at the apparent suicide of the nurse..What about sparing a thought for the poor nurse or her family. Im so sick of British sycophancy regarding the royal parasites.
It is a very sad situation. However, Its all very well the director of the hospital writing to the radio station basically telling them their house wasn't in order..........but i find it staggering that the Hospital, somewhere that has a history of high profile patients, the organisation he is the director of, and presumably responsible for security, confidentiality, patient integrity, were so naive that this call got through ...... Something about glass houses and stones..... the radio company have banned their advertising, oh hang on, i think mr radio company youll find that the sponsors are removing their advertising.....is the real fact. There also has to of been something else going on in the deceased's world.......this didnt just happen! though when you look at the obituaries everyone loves everyone?? i guess the fall out will be massive for several concerned even if they are all scrambling to blame someone else, and remove the blame from themselves!
I say,gather the presenters up and put them immediately onto a ship bound for ....................err.Wait a minute,they already live there. Seriously,such a sad outcome to this,this does show several shortfalls in the hospitals procedures,the nurse would have been told who was on the phone by another member of staff who should have at that stage determined identity and got permission from a supervisor and therefore the poor nurse would have expected the call to have been genuine.As Andy has said,its all about making sure that its someone elses fault but have a feeling that maybe everybody involved may have a part in this tragic outcome.
you would have thought that the room would have had it's own direct line and 'family' would have called that rather than the switchboard. But the radio show didn't play this live. They put it in front of their management and lawyers before airing it and put as much publicity behind it as possible. The presenters were pushing it on their twitter feeds.