Australia Move.....on The Cards!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nigel Machin, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Got an opportunity to move to Sydney, my wife’s company will move us out early next year. What would you do?
    Interested to hear any pros cons tips and advice
  2. Assuming there’s anything left by May!
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  3. A friend of mine moved lock stock and barrel nine/ten years ago to Adelaide where he had a sponsor and is a very happy man,only ever been back once.
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  4. I’d be gone like a shot. Only get one chance.
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  5. if it wernt for the people id be living there for sure...
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  6. It’s very scruffy around Melbourne, no town planning, all the houses look like crap health centres.
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  7. And there’s a Turkish restaurant on every corner and a hungry jacks in the middle. the crown casino is a good laugh though
  8. Do it!!
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  9. So many variables such as are kids involved, family, mortgage, the job you could be leaving, what happens if her company closes down/downsize so what would be the impact on your visa, help with moving costs etc etc etc

    Were it me and with no kids and the mrs is already sorted and every thing seems legit, then I'd go
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  10. No kids, no UK mortgage so intend to rent our house just in case, I’ll be giving up my job but mrs will be well looked after, no chance of business closing it’s a 28 billion euro gargantuan! My company has offices out there so may be able to pick something up? I’ll be sponsored on her. Visa :)
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  11. My experience of Australia and its culture is 40 years old now having worked on the Gibber Plain in South Australia during the late 70’s. I found Sydney no different to any other major city in the western world, loud, brash, dirty in parts, no more, no less crime and full of foreigners. The politics is just as polarised. The life style is different, the costs of living have a different focus. You work hard, you play hard and you have a good life but not everyone shares in that. How good is your life in this country ? What sort of environment do you want to bring your children up in ? Can you put up with the temperatures during the hotter months ? Can you put up with the insects and the things that bite ? Likely to be very different to what you know but not in a bad way. When my contract ended, I wanted to stay but had to return to the UK to apply to emigrate and ended up staying in the UK. I have never been back and don’t really have any interest in doing so now. Just my take on it though. Andy
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  12. got proper launched outta the crown one night after some bird walked over to me and rubbed my chest, telling me what a nice body i had (my one, not one of the many have buried in the garden) and i thought i was being nice by rubbing her chest in return but she called security... its a wacky world eh?
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  13. Definitely take a fire truck or two right now! I lived/worked in Sydney for about 9 months ages ago and really liked it. Sydney is a lot older and less 'planned' than the newer cities, so quite quirky. I'd go for it - as long as you like it hot! Can be tough if you like family round you. I don't.
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  14. ...adults playground, just be wary of the animals/insects/fawner.
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  15. It’s good there, I lived there for 4 years working twr engineering and racing department but had to come back when twr went bankrupt due to the crap formula one team fucking everything up. raced a lot of motocross there also as they love outdoor activities.
    did get a bit sick of hearing brits there moaning about the ketchup being crap and not being able to get decent bacon so don’t turn in to one of them.
    Just do it and don’t look back
    did you do the ol Mick Dundee on her ? Lol
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  16. didnt get that far!
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • WTF WTF x 1
  17. Mate of mine who was utterly homesick every time he left his village in Yorkshire went to oz about 8 years ago with his Mrs and daughter never ever would he return and believe me he was terrible leaving home, we went to the Bol d or in 94 and he was wanting to get home before the bloody thing finished another friend from Yorkshire she went to bundaburg years ago again not to return and these are people I would not have expected to stay away from family.
  18. I'll play the opposite side of the coin in the interests of balance. :innocent:

    I must say I've never been, but I know a couple of Aussies who have come the other way and I have asked them about it because I always thought it would be nice to have the weather they have. What they have said to me is.....
    • Yeah it's hot, and they do mean hot and a lot of the time, too hot.
    • It takes ages to get anywhere else in the world, and there where do you go? They like the fact you can get to cities in the UK in no time, almost anywhere in Europe in about 3 hours and to the USA in 6 hours.
    • It also takes ages to get anywhere else in Australia
    • Everything bites and stings.
    I still think I'd go for the experience and see how I liked it before I burnt my bridges, if you have that option Nige. If it's a one way move then a lot of homework required I think, it's a big jump to move to the next town without visiting, nevermind the other side of the world.
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  19. Snap their name off.
  20. My cousin went and stayed 15 years to early retirement - he then set off on a tour around Australia in a Camper Van, spend 5 weeks stuck in the Van with the aircon on and him and his wife said fuck it, back to the UK. He was ginger and pasty white with freckles though :thinkingface:
    He had fun though and did well.
    Rent your house through a guaranteed managed company and take a little hit on the rent and go for it, if you can then don't work and live a life of leisure :blush::upyeah:
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