awwwww, Thunderbirds are finally go!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. RIP
    Gerry Anderson.....
  2. Sad, I think he'd been ill for some time.
  3. Dementia :( a very very cruel illness
  4. Did you ever wonder why, in the programs, that heaven and earth was moved at vast expense to save the lives of a few western white middle class individuals when almost countless others die evey day in tragic and preventable ways ?

    I did enjoy the programs though and dementia is indeed a cruel illness.
  5. D'you think there's any danger of him being reincarnated as an agent of the Mysterons?
  6. Like all tv programmes, films, plays, etc., they exaggerate real life and compress it into a short time frame, otherwise we would all find it boring.

    I grew up watching Anderson programmes. RIP GA.

    PS I hope Alan and Tin Tin got it together!
  7. A great shame, but his memory will live on and the program's he made will entertain the children of generations to come. Gone, but he'll never be forgotten
  8. Spent a fair few hours with my son building tracey island, courtesy of Blue Peter.

    Spent years watching the series of programmes he made, as man and boy.

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