Ay up!

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Pixie1276, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Hi lads and lasses, just joined up on the forum after a bit of persuasion from my other half (duke1276) picking up my first duke on Saturday 748bip, single seat conversion, carbon AirTubes, marchesinis, 9200 miles, fsh and I can't wait, currently on an rs125 and going through the motions of my test! :upyeah:
  2. Hey and welcome :)
    About time
  3. Welcome along Pixie
  4. Welcome aboard Pixie..nice bike you just purchased...love the Avatar.
  5. Hi Pixie,

    Bet your all excited!

    The bike looks great...and it'll match your shoes!

    Bet you can't wait to go shopping for his new leathers, now he's got a pocket full of cash left over....oh didn't he mention that...sorry.

  6. Jeasus Anth, your stirring up a hornets nest there.....love it.
  7. Ay up and welcome, a two Ducati family in Baaaaaaarnsleeeeee things must be picking up!
  8. Yeah hes already muttered something about new leathers...................but I'm sure I heard gimp mask in the conversation somewhere......maybe he wants it hide his face from embarrasment when i'm all over his ass with the 748.........he's slooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Lmao what you like 
  10. Yeah it was the rest of the leather stuff to match the mask he already has, yer know the one he gets out on special occasions :wink:
  11. Yeah I found this on his watch list in fleabay!

    Pixie xx

  12. Hahaha 
  13. Yeah it's a bargain that one....I only wore it once too :wink:
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