Mother of Baby P to be released after 4 years when she was sentenced with a minimum of 5 years for the torture and murder of her son. So the system has let the poor little mite down again, its an absolute joke.this is not justice i'm proper seething at this news
basically murder a child ,not a accident or manslaughter but terrible wickedly evil ,the child suffered terribly and and get out of prison after just 4 years !! this is absoluetly disgusting
Funny old world the British law lives in. A friend of mine blew someones head off literaly (nice quick death)with a firearm and he got a life sentence for murder with a moosive minimum tariff.Victim was a c##t who wont be missed. Yet torture a baby to death and you will be out in 4 yrs.Ive always said the british law and those upholding it are a bad fucking joke.
She had an indefinite sentence, to serve a minimum of 5 years. I believe she has also had time on remand taken into account and was eligible for parole august last year. Well fuck that! I don't give a shit how well behaved she has been or how much time she spent on remand. The evil bitch should have rotted in jail. In my eyes she is one reason why we should bring back the death sentence!
I'm not protecting her as she is an evil piece of slime that deserves pain and suffering for the rest of her miserable existence, but from memory, wasn't it her boyfriend and his brother that caused most of the injuries and suffering to that poor kid? I believe she got done mainly for not reporting it, and taking no action to protect him... she is scum of the lowest order however, and 4 years is definitely not enough for what she did!
Think she was sentenced for "causing or allowing" her baby's death. and what's worse is she'll probably be put into a protection scheme, have surgery etc to protect her identity, just like Maxine Carr. Stuff that, feed her to the dogs(masses)
Its almost to horrible to contemplate,poor baby p is buried around the corner from me,all you can hope is that those involved will eventually get what is coming to them.I have no doubt she will be given a new identity,a new house and benefits that probably outstrip my hard earned by a lot .I hope that some organisation like The Sun can make enquiries etc and by accident let the info slip out.She will be looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life,and hopefully that won't be too long now.I am normally a peaceful and tolerant person,but these kind of episodes I just cannot abide.I hope the last thing she sees as she is being dealt with is that photo of that beautiful little lad she so badly let down.Blood boiling!
Was there hard evidence to support this or was it a case of" it wasn't me it was him" and court fell for it hook line and sinker. Seems another good way of getting off lightly is run em over and get done for death by dangerous driving or DD.They only serve a few yrs also.
Yes. Otherwise she would have been sentenced for murder or manslaughter. I'm not defending her actions here, my post was in response to a previous one. She was convicted due to her lack of moral courage and inaction. Whilst not physically hurting the child she indirectly contributed to his death. her time served makes a mockery of our justice system and for me calls into question the judgement of those who paroled her.
By the way that death by dangerous driving is no joke. Someone else I know not a friend just a snivelling little prick got in his car pissed up.Suprise sur fucking price he smashed into a old couple.Old fella severly injured and old girl died a couple of day later from injuries. He only served about 18 months and friends kept his job open for him when he was released.Nice. But to top it off his fam and friends held a party at the local bowling club to celebrate when he got out.Im glad those poor old folks were not related to me or that party would have been a blood bath and id be made out to be some kind of monster no doubt.Makes ya fucking sick.
Surely the reasoning behind her release - "she poses no threat to society" - is totally irrelevant? She wasn't locked up because she was a threat to society, she was locked to to pay for what she did ( or didn't do, as the case may be... ) which was to participate in, or at the very least to allow by her own inaction, the death of a child.
Prisons are overcrowded. She gets a minimum 5 year tariff - that pretty much means a maximum these days. There isn't much point about getting hot under the collar about it now. The time for that was when she got the 5 year tarrif. Now it's just the machine ticking on. Of course, she is locked up at the taxpayer's expense; is of no threat to society; letting her go or keeping her locked up won't bring Baby P back; what is she going to learn in jail in regard to her actions that she hasn't already learned? I'm not absolving her remotely. But that is how the world works. There is no justice and nothing will be coming to her. She will one day die and dissolve to dust, just like the rest of us. People don't get their "just desserts" - it's a comforting fiction. We'd like retribution, but that isn't going to solve anything. The harm has been done.
I tend to disagree with this. You make a good point glid, but if we lived in a true and just society, there would at least be some retribution for the poor kid. 4 years inside does not cut the mustard. Especially as she was the mother. Jesus! People get longer for crimes that are far less brutal, and don't actually harm anyone. You can't be saying that just because he was a baby his life was worth 4 years for his mother who is partially responsible for his death?
Crime and punishment is incredibly complicated. Locking people up fulfils 3 functions: (a) protecting society (b) changing behaviour (c) retribution. In this case we can only be arguing about retribution. In fact, I'm not arguing about anything. I'm just pointing out that it's a bit late to complain. Nor am I arguing that other people's sentences are just either. You could argue that a life sentence should mean life. But then you have to consider the cost of this and what good it actually serves in many instances. It doesn't matter much what you do in the case of murder - it's of no possible use to the victim.
But she will hopefully live out the rest of her days in fear,hearing someone walking behind her,fearing she is about to be stabbed or similar,I hope she suffers that 24/7,.Every time the doorbell goes on what will probably be a house payed for by us,I hope she shits herself,even with a new identity she will be crapping herself.And Glids if one day someone slits her throat at least one person in this world will feel better,and that would be me.It doesn't take much to make me happy nowadays .
If only. She'll spend the rest of her days sat in an apartment in some high rise, smoking B&H watching Jeremy Kyle