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Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Captain, May 28, 2024.

  1. Well , bugger me , back again .
    Went back to the Gs 1250 ulitmate , but that broke at 3000 miles . Swapped for a 1300 gs.
    Thats got brake issues , so decided to test ride a S1000xr , awful , but made me think.
    Stopped off at Worcester Ducati on the way back and a managed to get an impromtu test on the new Grand Tour . Oh dear , got home and managed to find a new one , so ordered it and collect it this weekend . The re ride just made me smile again so thats it , I will try not to annoy to many folks.
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  2. Welcome home, you know it makes sense…
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  3. I'm not returning the panniers I got from you hahaha.

    Welcome back
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  4. Brake pads that dont last?
  5. Multistrada V4 is an awesome bike to beat. I went from a Streetfigher V4S to Multi V4S around December 2022. Towards the Sept of last year I bought a Pani V4S to have alongside the Multi V4S. Couple of months ago I sold both the Pani V4S and Multi V4S and bought a Pikes Peak V4. Multi's are just awesome :cool: Grand Tour I think has got a great colour scheme.
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  6. What broke on the 1250 ? And I would be interested in your views on the 1300
  7. Is that a promise? :D
  8. No :D:p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Inlet vales and guides , it’s the brakes for me , I ride hard and they just felt not that good. Rode the V4 again and realised how good the brakes are and the advantage they bring to a fast ride . The 1300 is very good , but the 1250 had better brakes . Original reason I went back to the GS was the pillion , told the wife to fook off now as it’s all about me lol , she’s happy with the camper … Happy me as she’s gone away from touring again .
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I have done 3000 miles , on my 4th set of rears and second front , for me it’s just too much , if they were like land anchors I get it but there are not , just not that good , pity as the rest of the bike is great .
    • WTF WTF x 1
  11. Read that it was silly wear. Tbh I got through pads very slowly on r1200/r1250gs bikes, which had a bit of a reputation for wearing pads on the forums, I used engine braking mostly (except Cannonball last year…o_O) but something is way off on the new model. Makes me wonder about all of the test miles done, they must then use some different components, not to notice these issues.
  12. Let me get this right:

    3000 miles? Not 30,000?

    3000 /4 = 750 miles per a set of rear pads and
    1500 miles for the fronts. Surely not!
    • Agree Agree x 4
  13. 3 sets of rears in 17 hundred miles for one user on the GS forum.
    Something way off and has to be untested materials compared to the test mule bikes. When will they learn? Dont reinvent the wheel! (Or in this case the brakes…)
  14. When the 1250 GS came out there were people stating the rear pads weren’t lasting to the 6,000 mile service. That was not my experience, IIRC my fronts lasted 18,000 & rears more than 30,000.

    My V4S Multistrada the fronts were gone at 9,000 miles and the rear not much more. I don’t think that’s good enough for my style of riding.

    Clearly if you are riding in built up areas you are likely to be using brakes a lot more than rural riders.
  15. I tend to focus on opening the throttle, rather than riding everywhere on the brakes. Surely riding around stuffing the brakes on all the time isn’t a very good riding style, and certainly not some thing to boast about.
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  16. My mates are always complaining that I hardly ever use the brakes going into corners. Correct gear, entry speed and engine breaking works fine for me. If they see me brake, they know they have to slam theirs on lol.
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  17. I took a V4s Multi out for a demo ride yesterday. What a bike! Fantastic engine and gearbox. Loved it. Still prefer the looks of my 1260 tho :heart_eyes:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. Likewise. The Multis and GS really lend themselves to nearly brake free riding on some roads.

    But I dont think the pad wear issue on the new 1300 is just related to aggressive riding style, going by the numbers reporting problems at very low miles.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Correct. Oh and a new caliper and rear disc.
    #19 Captain, May 30, 2024
    Last edited: May 30, 2024
    • WTF WTF x 1
  20. That was me ..
    • Funny Funny x 1
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