A40 not much left of what looked like 848/1098 in red. Hope he ok looks like bike skidded from inner lane in to barrier. Seen that before. Park Lane Scooter and big Mercedes but looked innocent as only clean up crew there and bumper missing of merc. Worst one in front of Embankment tube station. A silver Kawasaki commuter. No idea what exactly happened but bike heat the central reservation just by motorcycle bay. Bike flungh about 5 meters forward with almost no damage but rider hit steel sign. Hope it was quick. Why do we even have these signs?! WTF why do we need to inform car drivers coming from trafalgar squre direction which side of the road to stick to if you can not work it out on your own then get the fuck out of a car!?
I was reporting on all three of those this morning. Cold temp probably didn't help. Yeah, far too much street furniture around :-(
every second sign up here is a warning to drive on the left (tourists). i once drove behind what looked like a Chinese couple from oban to lochgilphead 38mls fast twisty road 99% of the rout on the wrong side of the road. scarey.
Traffic and travel industry. Reporting road closures, queues all that boring shit. Based in Farringdon Cent London. You know those lies you hear on the radio in the morning, yep, that's me
No idea about those radio lies as do not listen to radio. I always go as crow flies and worry about going though it when I get there.
There is, unfortunately, too much traffic in the UK to be able to ride safely. You don't really notice till you leave the country.
There are countries that have less traffic and more dangers it is also about how traffic behaves and roads are designed. Traffic in UK is full of idiots but not as much as Poland and well in UK most is polite. Sweden seems call to ride as roads are designed to be safe first, green second, cheap 3rd.
no very slow. i drove behind them with my twerly light thing on my van waiting for the inevitable which thankfully never happened.
We have a glut of idiots on the road here coupled by builders who may as well drop their loads of gravel and mud straight on the road instead of the many building sites here ( they do that on my road il get my flare gun and a toothbrush and they can clean the road !!! ) Then you get into the countryside .. Free for all of sales reps on phones .. And then Caravans and Tractors !! Driving round London is refreshing compared to the local inbreds here at the moment !!! Oh and not to mention traffic lights .. Taking out roundabouts to put traffic lights up We have a set every few feet now .. Someone gets £50 backhander each one put in .
It used to take at most 15 mins to get across this tiny bomb hole of a town!! Now ... 45 on a good morning .. If the bride across the river shuts and your near there 3 hours !!!!
I used to be one of the AA Roadwatch Riders many moons ago, you sound from the Location you could be along side Nigel Ross Scott ? another ex Roadwatch Guy and probs a few others. Im in the Control Room in Godstone, we Have Silvy Blackmore in here broadcasting week days, what a lovely Lass
Ahh I was there indeed at AA Roadwatch at the time of the Roadwatch Riders and yes I knew NRS. Baring in mind it was back before 2000, the riders were Andy B, Andy R, Dino, Steve, Calum, Simon and Dave. Im sure ive forgotten a few
Blimey that was a while ago, i took over from Andy B as Team Leader, Long hair big tash and more commonly known as Porn Star, I was the Sussex Radio Mercury Rider. Ring any Bells ? Werent you into Collectable Comics and no i dont mean Ken Dodd lol