Bar End Mirrors

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Cream_Revenge, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. Hey

    Fitted some bar end mirrors. Generally really like them but objects in the mirror look a LONG way further back than they actually are.

    Is this the same with ALL bar end mirrors or just because I bought a cheap Chinese set?

    Does the diameter of the mirror control the perspective?

  2. I have oberon ones fitted to the 748 and although only 60 mm they work great and the mirror is flat so gives a true distance. A mate has fitted some 75 mm oxford ones to his monster and they suck arse.
    objects look miles away due to the curvature.
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  3. I found this too, with round ones on my 1198. Shortly after i went with the rear view camera option as didn't feel safe with them.
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  4. Where were yours from/make?
  5. You bringing the 748 to the Super Sausage meet? I'm still 50/50 but really behaving myself

  6. eBay, cheap ones from China, were about a tenner.
    The main thing for me was the added width to the bike, ruined my commute.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Yeah, mine are the same. Width not really an issue as I don't commute and mainly ride A and B roads and avoid towns.

  8. Oberon Streetfighter.
    Add almost nothing to the width and natural perspective.
    The smaller version is a reasonable price too, for made in UK.
    Way to go imho
  9. Think you are right, only bought the cheep ones to test how I got on with bar end mirrors as never used them and Oberon a little pricey.
  10. Oberon one here as well, round, (think mines smaller than 60mm though) get what you pays for....ive got a 60mm round oberon jobbie on the RSV4 and its fine. Ive got these on my z1ooo - again expensive but theyre brilliant....

    Driven Products DXM-BK D-Axis Bar End Mirrors Black | eBay

    You can fold them in also a la....

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  11. These look very similar to the Arrows that I have on the Guzzi, but if anything better and cheaper.

    I really like the way these do not increase the bar length.

    Depending on the bike my personal take is some bikes suit them others don't, that Z1000 looks great with them IMHO
  12. no mate i'll be on the ss of course! The 748 needs a chain and im a lil skint so its going no where for a few weeks yet :(:(
  13. You may have to make me a cuppa then........
  14. keh? What ya planning?
  15. I'd like to compare my mirrors with Oberon before I shell out £80 on a pair and if the 748 is off the road, could I pop over???
  16. of course you can mate. When did ya have in mind?
  17. One evening next week?
  18. cool dude... Drop me a pm at some point for details.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. I picked up a cheapish set off aliexpress. I do miss having convex mirrors, buts it's better than having no mirrors I guess... here's a link...
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