899 Bar End Removal

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by camelfarmer, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. Does anyone know what tool is best for removing the bar ends - to change the grips and put different bar ends on.

    From googling it seems to be either a 12mm hex (allen) or a triple square M14. Someone mentioned a T60 torx and someone else said it didn't work.

    Anyone done this already and know the correct tool?
  2. I used a T?? Torx bit on mine (1299) and it came off as easily as anything.
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  3. LoL

    This is weird as I've literally just got in from the garage from taking mine off to fit new grips

    I used an Allen key. Works fine, put a thin cloth over the end of it to avoid any scratching.
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  4. Interesting.

    Hmm I don't have a 12mm allen key, so I wonder if I should spend money on that or money on a xzn (triple square) M14...
    I assume it was a 12mm you used?
    #4 camelfarmer, Nov 26, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
  5. Just checked. It was the T60 you mentioned that I used. Worked a treat.
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