I have this one, its d dogs danglies http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?sbk=1&nav=SEARCH&itemId=151175625348
I have an optimate which i leave on my R1, but last year I actually bought 2 el-cheapo trickle chargers from LIDL of all places for about £10 each. I run one of these on my 996 and the other on my track car and not had any problems at all.
The xs0.8 is ideal as a general charger. The bigger units can offer more general use. I use a mxs5 in the workshop and use a mxs10 for bigger lead acid batteries and voltage maintaining when flashing ECU's. Wouldn't hook that one up to a gel battery though. The xs0.8 is the one I sell to customers. You wouldn't need more than the 5 for bike use at home.
Without trying to sound thick but would the ctek one be suitable to use on the Lithium battery in the 899?
If you do have Li battery, you can use a conventional charger PROVIDING it doesn't have a De-Sulphaitng program as part of the cycle, or you can switch it off. The Ctek does and cannot be disabled, so NO it can't be used for LiFe or LiIon batteries. The problem with these batteries is they consist of summit like 2 volt cells in series and parallel combo to get the required rating. To stop one set of cells on the series connections, becoming over or undercharged relative to the rest you need a charger that will hook directly between the series connections on the battery. Its called balancing, most aero modelling sites have suitable chargers. UNLESS you use Shorai who have the balance plug connection slightly different to the norm. So then you either need to make up a custom lead or use their charger. I found all this shit out when I looked into installing one on my 1098 John
When I was getting my Multistrada, I noticed many dealers fit an Optimate lead to the bike when supplying new so that tells you. get an Optimate 4 (or 3 or 2 I suppose)
I hate to break it to you mate, you're buying the logo... That looks just as cheap as something you would get in Halfords for £15. Not worth £70. I feel sad when people fall for the 'official' bulshit. It means nothing, what if it kills your battery? You don't get anything because it says official. Also, is it really official? Don't buy into that shit mate, just cos it has Ducati slapped on it, does not make it better or more compatible than other things. On the topic of trickle chargers. I use a optimate, does the job brilliantly. And has even saved a battery or 2 in it's time.