1200 DVT Battery Charging Leads

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by NSR500, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. Guys, what needs to be re set (if anything) when i connect a normal charger to the bike rather than the DDA type? Do any of the settings remain I have changed or do they revert back to the default settings?
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  2. What charger are you using?

    I would go with charger turned on at mains but not connected to bike, then plug it into connection installed direct to bike battery. It will then cycle test & start charging depending on temperature et cetra.
  3. Hi sorry to highjack this thread, picking my 1200S tomorrow and looking at connecting my Optimate 4 to it, once I have purchased the correct leads. Would this be ok? Its CanBus compatible. Thanks
  4. Direct to battery is really the only way to go. It bipasses the canbus system or potential issues therein.
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