Battlefield 4 ... ps3

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by peter james, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. Just been playing this, and so far I think its shite.
    Graphics don't seem as good as bf3 . Is this a better game ,do I just need to persevere, have to say first impressions of playing a game usually decide whether I delve some more or just give up.
    Not looking good so far. :frown:
  2. Persevere. Im on PC. Its ok (ish). Still loads bugs and hit detection can suck. Plus it seems to me to be even more of a snipers paradise. But i have found operation locker map helps me on my metro withdrawals. I like the close quarter carnage on 64player. Madness.

    It has its moments but as you say the jury is still very much out.

    Alternatively the tards have gone over to bf4 making bf3 much more fun.
  3. I was a big bf3 ps3 fan.
    but am giving this a miss. I havent played it but everything ive seen makes me think rushed and poor effort.

    currently trying to master fifa 14 controls
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