Beach boys vs Beatles vs Berry

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by efcbluepete, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. So, which rendition of Rock n Roll Music do you prefer?

    (yes, watching bbc4)
  2. Beach boys were far superior to the beatles
  3. In this situation I'd say the Beatles. But growing up I was a Rolling Stones kinda guy :upyeah:
  4. if you are referring to beach boys on tv friday night flimed at knebworth, they were disappointing

    wife was at that actual concert, she said it was crap and was not surprised that the tv version was bad
  5. yeah, that triggered the thought. Was followed by a doc with one of those old northern BBC djs (used to be on radio 1). Agree it wasn't the best tv music ever, but great band, and a hell of a story.

    but on the particular song I would favour beach boys studio version I have on cd somewhere.
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