Alex Salmond tried to bully the BBC over referendum debates | Politics | News | Daily Express And in other news... Bears do shit in the woods, and the pope is catholic...
The pompous arrogant twat. Plus I find hes sleeping with Murdoch. Salmond is a fat c***. Bad enough his campaign but to align himself with Murdoch?!?!?!?!?! OMFG! You only have to watch Fox news for 10s to see the right wing agenda open up in front of you. Now we see the fat c*** in all his glory. What a c***. The c***.
i would be more concerned that the broadcasters are gonna exclude the bigger party's from future t.v debate. now how did i put it "grumpy old men with no credible opinion.". yip that's how it went.
Are you happy that the SNP is aligned with notorious right winger Murdoch fin? I would be very concerned about this. Have you ever watched an episode of Fox news? Independence issues aside. This would worry me as an SNP member. Seriously. Youre no fool fin. This is a bit of a shock to me.
sometimes you have to do what you have to do. no press or broadcaster support, just looking at the bbc reports should of been enough to recognize that. i like most new the bbc was a bit english left, i suspect it's got something to do with the arty fartys that inhabit the place but come on. now whats your thoughts on the plans to exclude a large group of the electorate to pamper farage and co. i know why, do you?. ratings maybe.but deffo for all the wrong reasons.
I disagree with Farage being allowed. He has 1 MP. 1. What right has that oaf over and above the other marginal parties. So I am in agreement with you there. I disagree on doing what you have to do, you dont sell your soul to the devil. Murdoch is an evil and odious little man. As is News international. Its a freaking Tory right wing nutjob media. Do you really want teh Sarah Palins of this world promoted to speak for the SNP because she fits their (News International) profile? Come on Fin. I would be distancing myself from them.
I'm not a Blairite Fin, nor did I like their choice of media either. I'd banish the ausie fuckwit from the UK and his media.
i would too because the cu.t refused to help in the end, do we not have any new news, the chats between them are old history up here. we have known for two years my poor brain washed friend.
Kept it quiet eh? I can see why. Ive only just found this out. Salmond, whilst not being held in too great esteem by me, did have the benefit of my respect in his beliefs. Not now. Now I see him as someone who would sell his country to the Murdoch empire just to get his fat arse in power. I find that greatly disturbing and your general lack of alarm surprised me. I'd sooner see a Murdoch free SNP as something I might one day begin to coincide with. But never with Murdoch alongside. Ever.
old news, in an attempt to maintain jobs in Scotland he had and would be expected to negotiate with murdoch. right wing or not. or do wee run away and hide thus leading to further probs. i am not talking to you. na na nana na. big raspberry blowing is not very inclusive. and alienates people thats the westminster way.. i put that post up the other day "dirty rotten thieving fat person" as a piss take, it had the desired affect. not much scandal up here in comparison.
Nope I would ignore the aussie c*** and tell him to fek off and take his media with him. Now if only westminster had the balls to do this too. But they are all lilly livered sycophants too.
Have you been living under a rock? The links between Mr Salmond and Mr Murdoch have been well-known and much commented on for years. Not remotely surprising.
one of many reasons why i haven't bought a rag in years Alex Salmond ties to Murdoch revealed | Politics |
I must be Pete. I missed that. Surprised the No vote didn't make more mileage out of it. Probably for the best though as Murdoch would have got his patsy playing to his tune bemoaning the BBC. Oh wait...