My son died on the 16th November 2011. It wasnt expected, but have been thinking about what happens when you go.More this year... I think there is something else, although not being religious.. So, what's next? I cant get over my sons death but would be interested in opinions!
Well Christ, what can you say in these circs? All I can think is that life is short. Create as much as you can while you can and try and make the world a better place around you. Life is a gift and it shouldn't be taken for granted. Every day is a chance to have some enjoyment and grow a bit. I sometimes think it doesn't matter what I do, so long as there is some kind of result. It might only be making an apple tart, or planting a bulb. But it's still good to make something out of nothing. The only sense you can make of life is to make the most of it.
No one can know what happens after you die, and although we all have our opinions, this thread is not the place for those debates. Sincere commiserations on the passing of your son. In my view, the best thing you could do is remember the good times with him, treasure the memories of those good times, and live the rest of your life doing things that you know he would appreciate, enjoy and respect you for. He would not want you to give up.
I don't think you ever get over a child's death. I believe there is an afterlife and that I will be reunited with my loved ones I don't like to think I die and that's the end of me I get scared I don't know why Today I have been talking to my nan of 92 and she believes and is looking forward to being reunited with her beloved husband and mum when she dies and isn't scared at all Believe in what YOU believe we are all different Sending you big hugs also
I remember you writing in another thread Radihead and there really aren't many words that are appropriate here - I like to think there is something else but I don't have any rigid views that are written in any book. Wouldn't it be lovely to be shown a sign, ANY sign? (possible heartless jokes to follow) Glad you spoke up Viv - if it makes YOU happy that's all that matters isn't it? and it certainly isn't hurting anyone else.
My boy wasn't a child. He was 28 when he went. Found him dead in his room one morning... It's a bit odd though, as I sometimes still feel that he is around... Anyway, going to have a big piss up after visiting him at the Crem tomorrow with my ex wife and friends! He would have liked that!!...:smile:
I have so much respect for you for posting up such a personal issue , I cant think of a more apt response than those posted above , especially Glid's . I don't believe in god but I do believe in the saying God bless you.
I think Stressed Hippo has hit the nail, so to speak, I lost my 2 y.o. live in Grand daughter 4 years ago, I will always miss her, never forget her and I often find her popping into my thoughts at odd times, now, it usually makes me smile, as well as the feeling of loss and emptiness, especially when I see kids that are at the age she would be now. Mourn the loss of your son, smile when you remember the good times, and get good and pissed in his honour tomorrow/today.
He will always be your child your baby regardless of age Yes I have those feelings that the passed are around and there is nothing wrong in those feelings they feel quite comforting at times. Enjoy isn't quite right but enjoy remembering him tomorrow
No parent should witness the loss of a child its just not in the order of things, but sometimes circumstance is really shitty. My thoughts are with you.
My son was born prematurely and lived for 5 weeks before he sadly died. It was a horrible experience and I still get sudden flashbacks and stirred up emotions even now, 22 years later. I was recently producing a corporate event and was only half listening to what was happening on stage, but an external speaker was talking about big changes in your life, he said "…and I hope nobody in this room has ever lost a child". Bang, I was in trouble, but I realised that me losing my first child had led me to start my own business (I never had the guts before), and had led me to that room at that time. I talked with the presenter during the next break and he agreed with me that however odd it seems you do sometimes find that these events make huge changes in your life for the good as well as the bad, (although these can be difficult to see at the time). Since my son died I have achieved things and done things I have surprised myself about. I joined a charity for support and then after a few years ended up supporting other parents, I've been on the radio to talk about our experiences, and talked to doctors and nurses at study days. BUT the thing is, it never really goes way, a bit of music, and image, even something someone says can bring it all crashing back in a moment. I was really surprised how upset I got when it would have been his 18th birthday, how I couldn't take him to the pub and buy him his first legal pint. Since then I've had 2 daughters, now 21 and 19, and they have always known about Drew, we visit his grave at Christmas and on his birthday and they possibly have a different view on the fragility of life. It's something I think about when I'm riding too fast or taking a chance on the bike. No quick cures, but it does (eventually) get better. Talking always helps...
Thank you all. I will never forget my boy, and allof you have been great! Still have not answered the big question though which I believe is 42?
My brother died in his early thirties. Very unexpected, he had picked up Wiles disease when fishing and it seemed like he had flu. When they finally discovered what he had it was too late and within a couple of hours of diagnosis his organs packed up one by one, finally his heart then he died. I didn't see him very often, neither of us lived at home and I live a good distance from my parent but it was devastating. Shortly after the funeral I dreamed he visited me and told me all was well, he was fine and happy and everything was good. Who knows, just a dream I needed to have or did he visit? I do know since then I still miss him And I think about him but I am now sure we wil meet again and I hope with my father who has since died. I cannot imagine losing a child of any age, we came close two Christmas's ago when my daughter wrapped her Z3 up, I have no idea how she got out virtually unmarked, her guardian angel was working overtime that evening for sure.
I feel as though my son has died...... ....he has 'disowned' me, largely because I caught him stealing from me..........he was prepared to be a coward, liar and thief and let our relationship go downhill because he couldn't face me........ .........................even changed his name to his mother's maiden name... What a c*** is what I think now, but it still hurts. Christ knows how Radihead feels.....
I am an intensely private person, and have only ever talked about my Grand Daughter on this (and the last) Ducati Forum, thanks for listening people, and with time I hope it gets easier.
I'm sat reading this with my granddaughter sat on my knee and I cannot imagine the pain your family felt and still feel. I think my eyes are leaking. My thoughts are with you.