Best mechanic's gloves?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Dave, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. I'm particularly interested to hear from any of the pros or serious amateurs on here - do you have any tips re what you have found to be the best mechanics gloves (disposables or otherwise)?

    Warmth not really an issue for me - more dexterity, keeping hands clean and being hardwearing.
  2. Dave I have not found perfect tool for the job so have few types depending from job.

    Yellow thick rubber one's for cleaning and dealing with proper dirty stuff like chain, grabbing engine around front sprocket and so on.
    I have boxes of latex disposable one's for stripping smaller dirty parts.
    Finally this type of gloves when all is generally clean and I start working on it. OMP Tech Mid Mechanics Gloves - Demon Tweeks

    With 1st one's I have clean and dirty box.
    The last one's similar but you can hand wash them especially more expensive one's.
  3. I use these?


    Amazing oil/dirt protection, soak up water a bit too well though? Wash well, breathe well, good for all but the most fiddly jobs? I stick a pair of vinyl disposable on over the top for truly mucky/oily jobs, oil changes etc?

    I suffer from chronic dermatitis, which screwed my future as an engineer? All the paperwork is useless if your hands get red, sore & inflamed if you so much as look at anything oily? :frown::mad:

    Can manage weekend work on the car and bike though :smile:
  4. I use those thin rubber ones that surgeons and customs officers use.
  5. I tend to find the best mechanics gloves are the ones with a mechanic's hands inside them :upyeah:
  6. I use the OMP "Pit Crew" gloves (under a tenner) which are great for general assembly/disassembly but no good for the dirty jobs as they absorb the oil and then leave finger prints everywhere! They have also frayed a bit but no holes or anything yet after about a year of use, and you can wash them to clean them out. eg:

    For dirty jobs I have a box of latex gloves that you can pull a pair out and throw away when they split or get dirty or you're done. I replaced the front sprocket the other night and went through about 3 pairs as you're in the dirty oil-paste from the chain, but once I'd finished my hands were clean and just needed to wash the powder off.
    I found that the green gloves (nitrile?) will perish/split with certain fluids, like WD40, which can be a pain, but can't complain as those were freebies! You shouldn't need to pay much more than £6 a box, and you can get them from Screwfix cheap if you have one close. eg:
    High Quality Disposable Nitrile gloves box of 100 not latex or vinyl very strong | eBay
    Box of 100 Bodyguard 4 Latex Lightly Powdered Disposable Gloves FREE DELIVERY | eBay
  7. Tried many and tbh, for me I can't get on with any of them. I'll wear cheap and cheerful rubber faced ones for the really dirty jobs, and thick gauntlets for the parts washer but when it gets down to actually working on the bikes they take too much "feel" out of the job. I wash off regularly thru the day so no issues with weird skin deseases.
    I find that the problems with gloves soaking up oil etc or the nitrile stuff tearing or ripping cause more problems than they prevent.
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  8. Nitrile - same as the ones I use... They don't like brake fluid though! :eek:

  9. They like brake cleaner even less :wink:
  10. Let's change subject so what is the best hand cleaner if you do not use gloves?
  11. Swarfega orange. Cleans really well and smells nice to........might even count as one of your 5 a day :biggrin:
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  12. Bucket of original Trico with a ciggie on the go.
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  13. Oi - start your own thread! :wink:
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  14. Easiest way to clean your hands is not to get them dirty in the first place... hence gloves. :wink:
  15. Fankoo - looks like we are back on-topic! :biggrin:
  16. Ah but a bacon sarnie, eaten in the garage, tastes way better when your hands are dirty :upyeah:.

    If I use gloves it`s the latex surgical type. Down side is petrol and oil can destroy them in seconds and they are not very hard wearing.
    I have some slightly thicker ones that are more resistant, good for oil changes but are a pain when doing fiddly jobs.

    I prefer the tactile touch of bare skin so I use this hand cleaner

    DEB Lime Hand Cleaner Cartridge

    Coincidentally, it`s the same as we have at work :wink:.

    Washing up liquid with a bit of sugar works just as well.
  17. I use nitrile surgeons type gloves....very similar to the ones I wear when re-fuelling helicopters at work :wink:

    But my bike is never that dirty to really worry about it. :biggrin:
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  18. I also use sturgeons gloves but don't like to carp on about it.
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  19. +1 Used them for years, one pair will last for months. Disadvantage of nitrile, latex and vinyl gloves is they don't breathe, these stay comfortable and still give great feel
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  20. Amen to that...
    Your hands get all manky & sweaty inside those gloves, these breathe due to the cotton back, give great grip & feel without getting your hands black? Wreckermended. :)
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