I had to nip home at lunchtime for something and whilst I was passing close by my house I saw an "installation team" installing what seem like two security cameras up a very high pole on the main road. I've just called the local council to ask if they are theirs and if so what they are for. So far no one is admitting to owning them. Next port of call is West Yorkshire Police.
Not as far as I'm aware. And I'm guessing that if it's the council/police and supposedly for security reasons, that they can by-pass that little hurdle.
You could try walking up and down the pavement whilst giving an impression of a well known German leader.See who then knocks on your door. I used to do this loads of times till Mrs Mervyn banned me
The neighbours were quite happy with the formal brown skirts.It was the short black moustache and the leather boots they complained about:Angelic:
You will need to talk to the police, I am pretty sure they are ANPR style cameras especially if they are pointing up and down each carriageway. We have a few around here because it is Pikey central, and Big Brother IS watching you.
Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get you... The question is not are you paranoid - the question is are you paranoid enough?
I had a call back from the police and council on Friday. They are both denying knowledge of the cameras. Some fucker is lying!
I reckon you can get a ladder out and take them down.Look upon it as doing your public duty by removing unnecessary 'street furniture.:Angelic:
I think they'll be looking for an excuse to 're-employ' these soon :- and I don't mean the ones on train stations..