Hi all, any recommendations on a good, cheap bike camera, just want to have a bit of fun , maybe post some short films of my favourite roads, youtube quality I guess is fine, would like to be able to fix it to the bike, cheers. sf
Couple of Options - Go Pro is very good - or as an alternative - have a look at DogCam Sports - they specialise in on bike video set ups - I've got a bullet cam connected to a cheapy sony cam corder under the seat unit - which works fine. I bought the cam corder off fleabay for £50 - (has to have AV in, and very few cameras have this now) and a bullet cam / mic for £120....
Cool, I'll chek them out, as I said, I'm not looking for anything very professional, just a click and go job with reasonable picture. Thanks sf
I got one of these. Cheap as chips and a doddle to use; picture is acceptable, sound not all that great, but it works fine. You can rig it up to a power socket and it'll record continuously (a 16gb card will get you 4 hours of footage). I think I paid £26 including postage from ebay, of course. Nice cheap way of learning how to make vids
I have a Contour GPS, it's not really cheap but has multiple mounting options and quality is excellent. Usually, I have it mounted on the side of my crash helmet and vlog each ride. I might capture something fun but I also have video evidence should driving miss daisy decide to ignore the rules of the road and I need proof. Battery life is pretty good, it's light and pretty neat to use. I like the fact I also capture exact location, speed etc. The camera has plenty of free software on their site for playing with the results and sharing etc. GoPro are also good but not as neat a package for the camera itself. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I remember filming myself and my stepdad at the TT in '10 and a policeman came over to us when we setting up and said that it was a lot easier for them in court if someone has an accident and they were filming; there was also a post over on Ducati.ms recently about a guy who was in a bad crash on his SF and the police confiscated his camera afterwards as evidence and he was looking at losing his license; so be careful guys, there are the cons to go along with the pros when doing this... However, if your doing nothing wrong then it won't be a problem :wink:
I saw that thread, I figure in the odds, I'd rather have proof of a third party and take a risk my own fault is caught on film. Of course, if I walked away and the evidence wouldn't help me then I guess the risk is you're hurting your own case. Right now I simply delete the video after each ride out, I don't need hours of footage, it's really just a form of insurance. I have considered posting on YouTube in glorious high def the numerous drivers I see on their mobile, texting, reading the paper (M25 at about 30mph!), applying make up and even grooming a dog.... When mounted on the helmet, with a quality wider angle lens, if I look at it, the camera has it in 1080p or 720p at 60fps. I could shop maybe 20 drivers from my one commute a Friday or so ago. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Yeah I agree, like I said there are pros and cons but I just wanted to bring it up as a point of note. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching riding vids on youtube though
Thinking about it, an edited "stuff people do in cars as seen from a Ducati" might be a cool compilation to put together. I'll probably take the bike Friday so I'll upload a video and you'll see what I mean, I can guarantee I'll get a few oddballs in heavier traffic. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
What a wonderful world we live in. Let us hope that while you are filming other road users' misgivings, no-one is filming yours...
We are all filmed all the time, CCTV and speed cameras everywhere. The difference is the focus on speed cameras is designed to address one specific factor in road safety only. I think using a mobile for texting at 70mph is more dangerous than the spirited driving at 85mph that the camera will capture and prosecute. I wasn't intending to set myself up as some vigilante cameraman, just pop the odd moment up for the world to see, it is pretty amusing in heavy traffic to see drivers divorced from the world around them to the extent they continue at 40mph while the focus is on the crossword not the road. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
so true ,if you have a camera hide it i have mine in a vent uder the faring and you would never know it was there ,the last thing you want is old bill using it for evedance to book you for speeding
Is that legal...what right do they have to take your property.....I understand the powers they have over the vehicle....but a camera?
I have mine in case of any incidents like an accident. I'm not going to just hand it over to a policeman if stopped. I'm not a lawyer but taking my property isn't in their remit as far as I know and I'd be pressing the "format card" button long before they were working out how it operates. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I hear you, I do like the idea of having one fitted, out of sight of prying eyes, like you say inside the fairing is a good idea or mounted onto the bottom yoke, very handy if ever you were in a accident for sure.
I've seen them in action in Wales, even bike cops, literally harassing bikers, tagging onto a group of riders for 10miles or so and then deciding to pull them up. It just does not happen over here, bike cops give you the nod, and unless you are out making a knob of yourself, you are treated like any other road user. Wasn't there a protest ride out in Wales a few years back, about how unfailrly they were treating bikers in Wales?