Bike Down.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. I have a bruised coccyx from my 1[SUP]st[/SUP] fall off a bike in 30+ years.

    Had noticed the roads were greasy after seeing the Multi DTC flashing up a few times then when I got back I took my sons little Vespa out for a run and fuel. Coming out of the garage, hit brakes for roundabout and frontwheel locked up went to full lock and then Captain Gravity kicked me off. Fortunately that bike has lost it’s virginity a few times in London under other ownership so no new marks but centre stand snapped.

    Culprit was some greasy oil spillage and me on an unfamiliar bike with harsh brakes. VERY glad it wasn’t the Multi but wonder if the ABS would have saved me? A good lesson for though!

    Be careful out there.

  2. Ouch. Glad your ok. Scoots are rear brake only. The front is too light. They wash out even in the dry. If they work at all that is. All the weight is at the rear. Totally opposite to bikes.
  3. Bugger :frown:
  4. We thiught the same yesterday, grippy it isnt. And coming home in car I had a few slides

    Good job you have a comfy bike if you've done your arse in ;-)
  5. good job your not gay if youv done your arse in :eek:
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  6. Really? I'll have to keep that in mind as it does make some sense. In the dry though it seems to pull up pretty well and won't lock up at the front.

    El Toro/Bradders/Idrinkbeer - I'll have to get wifey to rub some more baby oil on it tonight, just in case :upyeah:
  7. Given your level of riding skills, which I have closely observed, if you fell off anybody would have fallen off.
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  8. Glad you're ok kirky, it's never nice to have a tumble.

    I do wonder if rider aids could end up making us ham-fisted. I'm sure most of us were brought up in an era where there was no such thing, but young riders will soon know nothing of non-abs brakes or losing traction by whacking the throttle open.

    By some quirk of fate I've ended up with two bikes that have linked brakes (Blackbird and a Guzzi Le Mans), and although they are seperated by decades in design and age, they both feel remarkably similar, and very safe in the wet.
  9. Sorry to hear this!... Never good hasing an off!!
  10. godda watch those brembo drum brakes.

    many years ago always remember a mates 200cc vespa snapping its frame

    too much rust and attempted wheelies

    pleased your ok
  11. Oooouchie

    Sending you a get well bum rub :-D
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  12. I pulled a muscle in my groin...
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  13. Have you be careful next time ;-)
  14. Dammit:frown:
  15. Have a cheeky rub I don't want you to feel left out :-D
  16. Your very generous sir!

    Thanks all :upyeah:

    Figaro, I think you may be onto something. And what about jumping off a magic carpet 2013 Multi onto something that will bite?
  17. always worried me riding a ped that I would grab a load of brake instead of clutch

    Bradders and me were out Sunday and we were having fun(sliding) like that all over the place but fortunately for us not as serious

    Glad to hear its not too serious Ian :upyeah:
  18. Althou two wheel drift on 80 mph corners got. Little hairy at times
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  19. Glad you got out of it relatively unscathed.
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  20. Never a nice experience, but glad you're (on the whole) okay :smile:
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