Bikes on SORN - Theft Only Insurance

Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by RickyX, May 3, 2012.

  1. I have 3 Ducati's which last year I insured fully comp for about £550 all in.
    I just got my renewal notice and it has rocketed up to £950!!

    I am not prepared to pay that much especially since the 749 is a track bike (has a daylight MOT but hardly used on the road) and the 916 is having "a rest".
    Both these bikes a currently SORN.
    Does anybody know if it's possible to get "theft only" insurance to cover vehicles that don't need to be ridden on the road?
    I saw an ad in PB for four counties insurance to cover race/track bikes but when I called them they said they no longer do that cover.

    Any ideas or recommendations would be helpful,


    R X
  2. Hi Ricky,
    We see this all to often now where insurance companies are hiking their prices, the only suggestion I would make is to shop around for a better deal, being loyal to these insurance companies is no longer an option, there comes a time when you have to compare the justification between risk and greed from these financial leaches.
  3. If one doesn't "need to be on the road" why have it on SORN anyway?.......

    .......That is, depending on the age.....

    Pre-SORN vehicles, that is where vehicles have been kept off-road since before SORN came into force on 1st February 1998, are exempt from CIE.

    Mind you I always found the insurance companies assumed mine would get stolen or crashed if it was a race bike..........perhaps they saw my riding?

    #3 Ghost Rider, May 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2012
  4. Did some shopping around and got all 3 bikes insured on a multibike policy fully comp for £482....cheaper than last year!
    Sounds pretty reasonable and better than Bennetts' rip off £950!

  5. Watch they dont automatic renew . They did with me and I didnt find out for 6 months . It took the ombudsman to get my money back.
  6. I have my two bikes insured with Ducati Insurance. £512 renewal through this morning. Bike 1 is a 12 plate mutley that goes on the road. Bike 2 is a 'blinged' up 998 track bike that is SORN'd and does not go on the road. Good part of insurance is the 998 is insured for all the bling. Bad part is that no one at DI can tell me what would happen re a claim if it was robbed / burnt from the garage i.e. the XS when the assessor visits. Apparently there is a bit of a grey area re bikes with no MOT on SORN's (anyone any ideas). It was a nightmare to get both bikes insured. Carole Nash took the p**s with the 998 it was over £600 last year. Strikes me insurance companies need to get with the program for folks who own a few bikes. God knows how a bloke I met at a greasy spoon with 17 gets covered.
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