Bin Snooker

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ivor, Oct 30, 2021.

  1. To keep ducbird happy, further to my ramblings on a few newbie threads, I think we should have a competition for newbies; he (she) with most bins in snooker ball colours, bonus for orange and purple.
    Yep, I'm bored, on a longish car journey to watch Wales v New Zealand this evening.
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  2. Bring it on :)
  3. I'll have a go when I get home, 5 colours maybe
  4. Treating bins like this is heresy! I will not knock my balls on bins. Bin snooker, whatever next? Ducati football, yellow on one side red on the other with grey referees and lines men! Off for nap now:)
  5. I saw a couple the worse for wear after a night out on the lash the other day, bottles of expensive wine littered around nearby. I will get pics if it happens again.
  6. Thread moved
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