Bits falling off - Good start to Panigale ownership!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ResB1199, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Get home tonight, get off the bike look back. Rear seat cover gone! WTF!! :frown: I've never even touched it other than wipe it down with a microfibre cloth.


  2. :( That blows.

    That's the second time I've heard of that now too. Guy who was picking up a Pani when I got my 848 came back 5 minutes after he left with bits of it, just flew off apparently :(
  3. There are reports that the Multi seat isnt exactly secure either. Thats really not good. There's only one thing for it. A one peice carbon fibre tail section. Sorted :wink:
  4. That happened to me on my brand new Blade a few years ago. Gutted for you :frown:
  5. you buy italian...what do you expect lol
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  6. Whoever put the cover on last didn't click it home properly, it feels like it has just clicked into place but you have to give it a firm push backwards to secure it properly
    heard of a few doing this after services where the dealer has plugged diagnostic kit in but not clipped the cover in properly afterwards
  7. I would be tempted to put a strap between the seat cover and the seat unit - maybe repurpose the helmet loop if it's got one - so you don't lose it next time if it comes undone!
  8. Same for me. Somewhere on the a303 there's a carbon seat cover. My own fault though, didn't push it homo probably.
  9. I feel so sorry for you. My dealer made a point of telling me to make sure it snaps solidly into place when fitting it. Sounds like good advice !
  10. Absolutely right, I was told the same thing.
  11. One of the guys at Donington Ducati day 28 May found his Multi pillion seat was loose, turned out the plastic hook under the rear part of the seat had broken off. We re-attached the seat with duct tape for the moment. Actually the hook is not very strong and could easily break on any bike.
  12. been there done that - did you loose your sandwiches?
  13. Had to order another one. Not particularly happy if I'm honest. £144 down and it wasn't down to me. :frown: What's worse is I can't go out on the bike with that Pillion seat on it as it won't do anything for my street cred. :wink: It reminds me of that joke. How do you turn a dog into a fox, 10 pints! How do you turn a Panigale from an Italian model into to Susan Boyle. Put the pillion seat on.
    #13 ResB1199, Jul 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2013
  14. See General Discussion.........just posted it..............Ducati Recalls.

  15. Wait until you start losing nuts and bolts, my exhaust heat shield doesn't like to be restricted by being bolted in place!
  16. I lost two bolts on the heat shied within two weeks of buying mine. New bolts are now loctited in and after every ride I tighten up every bolt I can see.
  17. Don't think there is a recall for people not fitting their seat cover correctly :smile:
  18. What a pile of crap, not good you having to buy a new one, thought of superglue?
  19. Ahhhh nasty! :eek:


  20. Hey your bike looks like Elvis

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