
Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Baldyboy, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. image.jpg Rear sets fitted to test will need to sort rear master cylinder and new clutch cover and lots more boxes on the way

    • Like Like x 2
  2. Very nice !! Is your hugger off all the time, or just while your fiddling?
  3. look for a moders motorcross rear master cylinder assembly, they have reservior built in and look tidy! Also, a spring on the brake actuation rod (not sure of proper term) helps it return faster and smoother :)
  4. SES race rearsets eh
  5. Yep they are, struggled to find anything else and the std ones are pig ugly
  6. #6 bradders, Dec 3, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
  7. Bugger ;). Still I prefer the look of the SES look a little more finished
  8. They are :) i have ses ones on my gixer, very well finished
  9. Someone just found out there is no brake light adjustment and a different switch is needed??

    Could have saved a few quid with a pair of duc904red's risers.....

    #9 Ghost Rider, Dec 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2013
  10. Fit a hose pressure switch used before on various bikes I have built and knew before hand, and his adjuster plates retain the pig ugly standard one
  11. The Race supplies are much better designed IMHO, with an adjuster for how far the brake pedal can return etc, thus stopping the 'loose feeling the SES ones give. They all need a brake pressure switch banjo bolt, and with how annoying the normal switches are, I much prefer the fit and forge nature of this type of switch.

    One thing, with both makes of rear set that I found, was that with my mahoosive feet, the gear lever was slightly too short, and also I found that the 'gear shift rod' (proper term escapes me) too ugly and quite vulnerable , so I changed to a race shift lever - This not only made it easier to use and more aesthetically pleasing, but also was one of the nicest and best changes I had ever made and just felt soooo much more natural :)

    Also.. If this bike is a road going bike, i'd go to a bolt shop and get decent stainless bolts to hold the SES items on... they appear to have been made of cheddar cheese!
    #11 Duke600, Dec 3, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
  12. Pics please
  13. Make it easy on yourself................

  14. Missing the point...he doesn't lime the look of the std pegs which is why he changed :rolleyes:
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  15. Neither do I like them..........but at least I have found out whether its worth spending out on rear sets first.......and from what I have found out, I doubt if it is.......might be because I'm a shorta*se though...
  16. These are to compare Shift levers aesthetics (SES rear sets)

    Red bike is with race shift lever , yellow with normal road shift and that ghastly shift rod thing!

    A8VclhHCEAADjPN.jpg e22e48c67bcc3fc07d3bf5e750c20cd8.jpg

    Pics of the other rear sets to follow later, when I have access to my own PC!

    Note: I don't have a race lever for those as yet (am awaiting delivery of one as it happens)... I sold those when I sold my SES rear sets earlier in the year!

    Also... Another positive of these aftermarket rearsets, for me, is the rounded end of the pegs. I find them much easier to move my feet around and find they give me a better body position. (Of course, this is my opinion / findings, you might try it and think I am talking utter b***ocks)


    #16 Duke600, Dec 4, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
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  17. Completely understand now ;). What is the lever you have used? Did you have problems mounting the rear m/c ?
  18. it is an SES race lever in those pictures :)
    I didn't have any real troubles, just put two m5 button head bolts through, with nyloc nuts, and it was held nicely :) Only small thing was I had to shorten the piston / rod that actuates the brake., just cut two threads off and job was a good'un :)
    I will try and get a few pics tonight for you :)
    #18 Duke600, Dec 4, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
  19. Cheers buddy, had noticed the rod is too long.
  20. 748/916/996/998/848/1098/1198 race levers all fit the SS. You can get em for 20-30 quid on the bay of fleas. I always keep a couple or so spare in the race tool trolley.
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