Glorious sunshine here, temps in the upper 20's and it's suddenly raining... Still hot and sunny.... Strange smell as the rain hits the hot pavements....
Freezing here... and raining with a bit of hail mixed in... horizontally... Not bizare - just the middle of winter. Just hope the weather in the UK holds out till next week when I get back there...
Massive cloud burst across North- North West London around 07:30 this morning. On the ride home external temp said 34 and the bike temp said 110. I thought I and the bike were going to combust there and then. Always kinda liked the smell of rain after a prolonged dry smell. Reminds me of my childhood :smile:
Sunshine and strange drizzle on and off is perfectly normal weather in Cornwall - happens all the time !
Awesome thunderstorm here north east of Manchester. Started at about 6.15am this morning and lasted until around 7.45am. Quite pleased as its been pretty unbearable in the office for the past couple of weeks with the heat. Just hope its dry at weekend!
Love the smell of rain after a hot dry spell... Nearly as good as mown grass or creosote on a fence!!
Oooooh indeed, but it has to be the proper stuff with used engine oil etc. not the watered down slop they now sell to treat fences and sheds. Two smells are evocative of my youth, real creosote and even better, the smell of two stroke oil at the speedway.
Best smell in the world is steam locomotives. I have no idea what it is that makes the distinctive smell. Sadly, not much of it about these days.