Oh the sweet and utter joys of being out of the loop... I was reading an online article and in the sidebar were the usual gossip non stories...i had a sweet rush of pleasure when i read one of the article headlines: (one of many i might add) "Josh Duhamel takes baby Axl out as Fergie stays home"... no idea who any of these people are..at first i thought it a child murderer story, then a royal story, then a guns n roses story...its so great not to be cluttered up with this shit in my life... "Mille Manderson models Dorothy Perkins"...wtf?? "I should Cocoa..Blake Lively credits her slim figure to her love of chocolate".. there were at good dozen others but i cant be bothered to write them out... who cares about any of these people, or their stories?? Havent we all got enough crap to worry about in our own lives?? If i want some escapism from my life, i get off my arse and do something....not read about other people's cellulite or gawp through next doors' curtains...