Hey, Pleased to be here and check out you lot from the lofty vantage point of Perth, Australia, the city where most of you seek to emigrate to for the . Grew up with a family from Yorkshire on one side, a family from Hertfordshire on the other and my best mate was from Bradford. I have no idea where those places are . Anyhow, here's my one owner 1098S with that 70mm sound: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6p7kjvtc6jtlw7o/DJK Duc Full System Sound.mp4?dl=0
Welcome Dave. Yorkshire is God’s country. Apart from Bradford which is a shithole and may as well be in Hertfordshire.
You mean they are all in the one place? Sorry, I forgot the UK fits into Tasmania .... bloody hell I'm pushing my luck for a newb huh?
My Cousin emigrated to Perth, he's from Yorkshire, says your a Wombat whatever that might mean But welcome anyhoo
Nice part of the world, lots of sunshine and sunsets. I bet you're freezing your nuts off this time of year
Yeah, it was a nippy 29C today. No-one wants to go to NZ - they all live here, even left "close" relationships with they're sheep. This picture shows Perth suburbs with major sources of immigrants
Pretty desperate try! Map shows birthplaces of migrants, not their family tree. Wouldn't mind so much if (1) they'd keep covered up at the beach and (2) a couple of them didn't invade our Kings of Wanneroo Superbike event. Who's this young bloke in our primitive pits?
Yeah, true, but back then (2009) when he, McWilliams, Guy Martin etc landed with their resources racing against my brother with me as clueless "mechanic" it was a bit lopsided. They were a class act, however.