Bloody eBay seller

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by deleteduser211220, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Bought something for the bike at a good price, then pay for it straight away.(Bike dealership)

    Then a couple of days later get an email from them saying it had been sold already to another Ducati dealer and they are happy to refund my payment.

    It was a new item about a quarter of the price of new from Ducati.

    Looking at their feedback, I'm not the first they have done this to.

    Idiots :mad:
  2. Name and shame.
  3. I'd be tempted to raise a ticket with fleabay about them too.
  4. yep raise a ticket. They entered into a contract with you and now they owe you.
  5. Had nothing but plain selling/buying. What's involved in raising a ticket?
  6. Raise a case via eBay against the item, it's quite straightforward but the seller will merely get a strike against him. Admittedly enough strikes and the account will be suspended. You likely will not get your item.

    You could also leave negative feedback and that will hurt him if he is a premium seller.

    From eBay

    "When you open a case, eBay will contact the seller and encourage them to provide a resolution within 8 days. If you haven't taken any action on your case after 30 days, we'll assume you worked things out with the seller and your case will automatically close.

    Once your case closes, it cannot be re-opened.

    Remember, the seller has 8 days from the time you open the case to resolve the issue"
  7. What are the bets it appears on ebay again to see if they can sell it for more......
  8. I had the same happen. Won the auction, the seller emailed later to say the item had been sold outside of ebay and would I cancel auction. They then listed the same item again. Just put it down to experience, there's nothing you can do.
  9. Then I sell a used item drop it damage it withdraw it as it is no longer fit for sale do the right thing and my buyer thinks I've had him over for a better buyer . Which hadn't even crossed my mind. Sometimes shit happens and it isn't always deliberate. Although yours seems a touch salty;).
  10. name and shame………….
  11. Had a similar experience with a northern (to me) Ducati dealer when I'd been watching a discontinued Ducati performance accessory for my bike. I'd asked two questions, checked the part number & a standard part arrived with the standard parts part number & a registration number written on masking tape stuck to it. I even ended up slightly out of pocket + it took ages to get refunded
  12. In the case I quoted above I don't think the eBay seller was aware of the rules, I pointed them out to him and I got back "nice sermon". He probably didn't get the point as he did it to someone else straight after. No doubt a bit more of that and his account would have been suspended.

    All you can do is report it and try and get your money back.

    Let's also face the fact that some of these people are hardly the intelligentsia, although it doesn't stop them being devious.

    If you operate within the rules of eBay as a buyer then you should always get your money back if the item is covered. Having said that I lost out recently as I bought a propane garage heater effectively described as working when it wasn't, I got my money back for the item but lost out on the post and packing. I would never have bid on it had I known the full truth.
  13. The seller that did it to me is tommyandsammy2012 on eBay
    Left hand Panigale mid fairing £36, Right hand £87. Exactly the same items relisted.

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    I put it down to experience and moved on. It's ebay, you meet great sellers/buyers, and some not so great sellers/buyers.

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    #13 J0n3s, Mar 12, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
  14. I'd still pursue it. They are legally obliged to provide you with what you bought. Especially as it has just been relisted. I'd do it just for the crack.
  15. This appears to happen a lot on ebay - people put things up for sale, don't get what they want and then back out.

    A friend posted on facebook about something he'd seen where a camera was sold for $99 (Praktiflex FX Camera with P Angenieux Paris F 50 1 1 5 Type s 21 Lens and Case | eBay) with a very expensive lens that he didn't realise it had until a losing bidder pointed it out. The lens was listed separately and sold for nearly $6,800 (P Angenieux Paris F 50 1 1 5 Type s 21 Lens and Lens Cover Camera not Included | eBay) after the original sale was cancelled by the seller.

    But I digress, he pointed to this website which had an interesting story:
    : : : e-sue : : : : : : : : :

    "Our client won this French dining room table from an eBay seller for just £51.00, which was actually worth over ten times this amount. The seller refused to part with the table and refunded the £51.00 via PayPal, telling our client to sort his problem out with eBay.Instead e-sue drafted county court proceedings for the loss of bargain suffered, which the eBay seller defended vigorously.
    The court ruled that the winning bid created a binding contract between seller and buyer, and that the seller breached her contract by refusing to allow collection.
    Judgment for over £650.00 was awarded to our client for the loss of bargain suffered. However the eBay seller refused to pay, so e-sue then prepared to take a second charge over her home, resulting in an immediate bankers draft for the full amount."

  16. @antonye, v.interesting. I've already accepted the sellers request to cancel the sale, that also is binding I suspect. e-sue is useful for another time though, when the "I'm going to mess with you for fun" mood takes me :)
  17. I totally agree, far too many eBay listers are doing this and eBay does not do enough to enforce it's policies. The worst you can get is an account suspended, so all you have to then is provide fake details and start again, I know someone who did this after he got his girlfriends account suspended for improper dealing.
  18. Ebay could easily solve this by lowering there rip off reserve prices.No wonder people are put off setting one.

    I just list stuff for starting bid of what I want save giving stuff away for peanuts.As a buyer I have won some stuff for stupid low money and seller said it has been sold off ebay.I didn't leave negative feedback or anything as I thought fair enough I wouldn't be happy letting it go for that money either.Sometimes seller sends it anyway.Win some loose some.
    #19 matt#corse, Mar 12, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
  19. It was a "Buy it now" price.
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