1260 Bluetooth Remote ...

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by john clelland, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. recently had friends design and 3D print a set of spacers to allow the placement of a Schuberth RC4 remote control on the left handlebar of my 1260 Multi.

    the fit and finish of the parts is perfect ... and they work brilliantly. the spacers were required, as the RC4 is designed to fit on the grip ... so the diameter is too small on the bare handlebar.

    now it's much easier to control the Schuberth SC1 headset with the RC4 remote, rather than trying to fumble with the really small control buttons located on the backside of the helmet.

    IMG_4219.HEIC.jpeg IMG_4223.HEIC.jpeg
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  2. here is the .stl file, if anyone wishes to 3D print the parts for the spacer.

    i used M3 x 8mm button head screws ... so one would need to tap the plastic parts to accept them.

    Attached Files:

    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. Cheers for sharing John, however its slightly above my pay grade. Though I note that 3d-printers of the three varieties available are coming down in cost for the domestic market.

    What 3d printer brand did you use?
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  4. 3D printers are above my pay grade as well ... had a good friend print up the parts in his lab at work.
  5. Fantastic! Just had mine 3D printed and installing tonight. Much better option than on the grip which always annoyed me and was in the way. I had mine printed online for about $20. You don’t need your own 3D printer. There are plenty of companies online that offer the service.
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  6. During the war :D, I remember stopping every 150 miles for a top up of fuel, stretch my legs and find a bog for a piss, then check the phone.
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  7. I can go back even further :worried:. Back in my day I can remember stopping for fuel around 100 miles cos my seat was shit, stretch my legs, piss behind a tree, tighten various loose bolts, then not bothering to check my phone cos I didn't have one :)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
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